About Woody

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About Woody
male, outdoorsman
hunting, fishing, environmernt, shooting, reloading, testing bureacrats
Forest Ranger, retired


Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.

Matsuo Basho.


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Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 10


  1. Woody
    Woody liked post by dannyb On thread : Cautionary tale with a happy ending
    Well little miss nearly 12 has been pestering me to take her hunting for a few months now, having failed at getting either of my older sons to show any interest in hunting I have taken a much more...
    Liked On: 27-04-2022, 10:00 AM
  2. Woody
    Woody liked post by GWH On thread : Father and son range day
    I took Archie my 8 year old son out to our local range on Sunday arvo for a couple of hours shooting. Hes done a little bit of shooting before for the last couple of years, but not a lit really....
    Liked On: 26-04-2022, 08:09 PM
  3. Woody
    Woody liked post by jakewire On thread : Shortening barrel on a 6.5x55
    Goddammit, Stop this Do not cut or thread the Barrel on that Winchester rifle. I will buy it off you and that will help you into mikee bergara...
    Liked On: 25-04-2022, 07:30 PM
  4. Woody
    Woody liked post by mikee On thread : 20Ga Semis -
    Yep they fly like lancaster bombers :D
    Liked On: 24-04-2022, 09:02 PM
  5. Woody
    Woody liked post by Tentman On thread : Haha Tikka haters
    and I admit I've been a bit scathing in the past too . . .. but a bit of desperation drove me to it. In a particularly stupid move of self harm some time ago I sold a very accurate Lithgow LA102...
    Liked On: 24-04-2022, 08:38 PM
  6. Woody
    Woody liked post by Love_ducks On thread : MTNGear bipod
    A few close ups as promised. 195404 195405 195406 195407
    Liked On: 24-04-2022, 07:28 PM
  7. Woody
    Woody liked post by Love_ducks On thread : MTNGear bipod
    For those interested. I recently took the plunge and purchased a MTNGear mountain bipod and I have to say it is early days but so far I am very impressed! Wanting to carry my rifle with a sling a...
    Liked On: 24-04-2022, 07:26 PM
  8. Woody
    Woody liked post by 7mmsaum On thread : Reloading Notes
    Twirl a cotton bud inside the brass to get the last of the powder out Then do it again and tap on a hard surface Then look inside Care at every stage of reloading pays off Try and...
    Liked On: 24-04-2022, 04:27 PM
  9. Woody
    Woody liked post by Fssprecision On thread : A tricky problem resolved
    Well a great success today employing a bit of science to get a guy out of a fix. Unfortunately the chap accidentally picked up the wrong cleaning rod and that together with a tight new brush resulted...
    Liked On: 23-04-2022, 08:29 AM
  10. Woody
    Woody liked post by stingray On thread : Block 5
    Kukuwai hunting ground from above. 195286 Morning glassing in the frost. 195287 195288 Mt Mailling in background where we saw the 5 deer , the hinds beaded down on that nasty we spur...right...
    Liked On: 22-04-2022, 05:29 PM
  11. Woody
    Woody liked post by Ed123 On thread : Block 5
    We have just come out of Block 7 (Burn Creek). This is an awesome initiative by DOC. The block we were in was without doubt the best High Country I have been in - stunning! There was a mate and...
    Liked On: 22-04-2022, 05:28 PM
  12. Woody
    Woody liked post by stingray On thread : Block 5
    Out of interest the hut book goes back to 2009, and whilst some don't fill it in , this block did appear to receive a great deal of walk in hunters. Ours was a flyin to shoot animals, we as a...
    Liked On: 22-04-2022, 05:28 PM
  13. Woody
    Woody liked post by kukuwai On thread : Block 5
    Kukuwai's day 3 report....... Encouraged by the sighting last night I was up early again and off on the sneaky sneak along the bush edge as soon as it was light enough to shoot. ...
    Liked On: 22-04-2022, 05:26 PM
  14. Woody
    Woody liked post by kukuwai On thread : Block 5
    Ryan_Songhurst We paid for the chopper mate, however the flights were subsidized and a 10% discount offered to NZDA members. The cost for each block varied depending on the distance from the heli...
    Liked On: 22-04-2022, 05:23 PM
  15. Woody
    Woody liked post by ROKTOY On thread : Block 5
    Kev and I spent the afternoon of day one hiking to the far end of our block to check out some grass flats. Arriving a little later than planned we set up camp about 700M away from the clearings, and...
    Liked On: 22-04-2022, 05:21 PM







  • 11:52 AM - ebf mentioned Woody in post Hidden








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