Liked On: 25-04-2015, 10:24 AM
No one is the same , some people have no compunction about killing ,others are more thoughtful , ask yourself this question ,If you have shot a deer and it needs its throat cut ,and when the blood...
Liked On: 24-04-2015, 12:10 PM
Here ya go fellas, I posted this story on the LRH forum recently, some of you are members and may have already read it ! enjoy ....... .... In my last post on the 375 Norma thread ... (10...
Liked On: 18-03-2015, 08:19 AM
"You don't see many heads like this in the wild" .... bloody hell what a crack up! That'd be one of the shittest velvet heads I've seen all season :XD:
Liked On: 25-02-2015, 10:50 AM
I'm pretty sure Axel, who is a full litter bro to my dog Oskar, will be hillclima's sire. Ridge Runner is Ryens line (was RCGSP on here). He has gone back to the USA. Axel in Virginian snow...
Liked On: 11-12-2014, 05:22 PM
Young pup starting to show some promise, mostly she's insanely running around but then does points like this and give's me some hope for the future ...
Liked On: 11-12-2014, 05:22 PM
This might help you decide which calibre to get 7mm08 users mostly live in Parnell and Ponsonby and do most of their hunting online. Look - there's a couple online here right now.They compare gun...
Liked On: 19-11-2014, 07:22 PM
I have a stainless .243 barrel here that I took off a brand new remington model 7 and will screw straight on to it. It's brand new never fired It's yours for free if you would like it.
Liked On: 26-10-2014, 07:30 AM
Buddy off to school.:D 303353033630337303383033930340303413034230343303443034530346 Buddy got 1st with 'Best Personality' I don't know why, he tried to kill every student there.:thumbsup: He...
Liked On: 23-10-2014, 07:40 PM
Sorry guys, I have to disagree with some of the well meant and noble statements in the last few posts. If only we lived in a perfect world. I work as a psychiatric nurse in the public mental...
Liked On: 24-09-2014, 04:41 PM
Hi guys, I just started making 53 gr .224 bullets HPBT with Berger jackets. Next step (die ordered) is to make them in 69 gr. Bullet weight variance is ± .05 gr and I couldn't measure any variance...
Liked On: 20-09-2014, 03:47 PM
Agreed. Why do we even have to have a thread like this on here? If its not yours or you dont have permission to be there leave it alone. Pretty simple.
Liked On: 17-04-2014, 04:37 PM
This thread is fuckn stupid. If it's not your land keep off it unless you have permission. End of story there are no fuckn grey areas. Any one who purposely hunts on private property with out...
Liked On: 17-04-2014, 04:35 PM
With there teeth:P
Liked On: 30-03-2014, 01:07 PM