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  1. Winchester Super X steel Shot - duck load
  2. Benelli
  3. Duck shooting prep & special summer season 2019 Eastern
  4. Akkar semis?
  5. Beretta A400 worth the money
  6. OUCH
  7. summer lake parries and geese
  8. First of the season
  9. Shotgun fitting Hamilton Tauranga
  10. Sage Grouse Opener
  11. Ducklings
  12. Upland Shotguns and Chukkor
  13. Smug Dog
  14. Hunting the wild pigeon in the grey forest
  15. Divorce
  16. Calling Techniques
  17. Taupo hunting - advice or a hunting buddy
  18. Worst season ever? Or just the weather?
  19. Who's excited?
  20. Top of the south duck shooters
  21. Raupo taking over the Dam
  22. NZ Hunter Adventures 8.30pm tonight!
  23. Happens every bloody year
  24. duck preserves can f off
  25. New pond
  26. Tahr show duck calling notes
  27. lord of the ring [the return [the return of gimli]
  28. Duck boats
  29. Shot speed?
  30. a little something for the build up……….
  31. Decoy setup ideas and opinions on mai mai
  32. Flocking Ducks
  33. Old decoys help
  34. Duck Shooting tips and tricks
  35. Crash course on duck hunting
  36. Decoys wanted
  37. Goose decoys... floaters wtb or borrow
  38. Prospects looking good
  39. Duck season 2018 dates
  40. Is it to early?
  41. Rat control
  42. Wairarapa Gamebird Hunters... Look!
  43. Fired the feeder up
  44. Pheasant chicks/ young birds
  45. Californian Quail
  46. parries are easy
  47. Short Morning Quail Hunt
  48. Sagehen...Unique Western USA Grouse
  49. Eastern F&G Ballot holders to be charged a "maintenance" fee
  50. Pheasant eggs
  51. Lost camera
  52. no lead from 2021
  53. Quail Hunting
  54. Goose Caller
  55. More idiots
  56. to the F**ktard duck shooter who
  57. RnT duck callers
  58. Do you eat swans and geese?
  59. Pheasant in BOP
  60. Quail in the US
  61. waikato advice
  62. Apparently Gamebird shooting is cruel? Raving Vegan??????
  63. Stupid question about river access
  64. My second opening weekend...
  65. An open letter to Fish and Game
  66. Duck plucker
  67. Nerves are starting to kick in
  68. NZ Hunter 1.5 hour waterfowl episode tonight!
  69. What gun do you shoot and what ammunition
  70. Pukeko and "Sensitive bird caring frustrated gardener" problem.
  71. Pick one of two for me please...
  72. Idle questions for the duck hunt
  74. 9 more days
  75. Butts
  76. Winter rough shooting Ireland
  77. Are these any good or rubbish?
  78. Best duck shooting for 7 years
  79. Duck Shooting Safety Clip
  80. Anyone use decoys like these?
  81. Duck call advise please
  82. Peg out day 2017 9th April
  83. old decoys
  84. Higdon Splashing Flasher Parts
  85. What's on Special, and Where
  86. docs got some funny ideas
  87. Full Body Decoys
  88. Pheasant release
  89. Adding to the spread
  90. Pheasant shooting January part 2
  91. Licence 2017
  92. Best Cartridge for Quail.
  93. Eley lightning steel
  94. Long range weather forecast
  95. Wanted to borrow LayDown Blind
  96. Training resource
  97. Pattern Master Chokes
  98. F&G Regulations for up coming season
  99. January pheasant hunting Ireland
  100. feeding ducks
  101. Demise of Waterfowl. Habitat destruction.
  102. Starting to get duck fever - Changes over the years - plantings
  103. Quakersville
  104. The Demise of Canterbury Quail
  105. Summer Season
  106. Duck Hunter's Day 23 April 2017
  107. Rough shooting Ireland
  108. Argentina 2017 ...We started in april
  109. 99 dayz
  110. Pheasant shooting video Ireland
  111. heads up
  112. Question for the knowledgable
  114. Pheasant shooting Ireland
  115. Hunting partridges with Sofia
  116. Getting ready for turkey season
  117. Such are my lagoons today
  118. GSP follower C404 got ya ears on????
  119. Hen...
  120. Survey for F&G re shooting hours...
  121. Tonights walk
  122. Da mutt
  123. Swamp Comp
  124. Pheasants and Turkey as pests on Private Property [Regulations Needed]
  125. Failure in the nest department...
  126. Pigeons how to draw them in and knock them off with a .22?!
  127. Argentina duck hunting , with the french people
  128. Will 2017 be the last of lead in the sub-gauges
  129. Looking for Canada goose hunting opportunities in Auckland/Waikato region
  130. what a fuckin surprise
  131. Only Pigeons ....
  132. When do you start scouting for duck season
  133. Good alternative for a maimai
  134. Kreighoff's First Blood
  135. Great pigeons hunt with David from Spain
  136. Three generations of hunters
  137. Pigeons with my pointer , Irupé
  138. Ducks in Argentina with Mario from Paraguay
  139. Wallyess of the Week...or Weekend I should say...
  140. The Glorious Twelfth
  141. Parrie tips?
  142. Yesterday Morning ....
  143. Shot size, steel and lead
  144. Hunting in Argentina with Cristopher and friends from France
  145. heads up guys
  146. Carolina wood ducks
  147. Fowl Down
  148. Duck hunting you are doing it wrong.
  149. Happyness !!!!!
  150. Irupé again
  151. we were hunting partridge forest
  152. Nice Sunday
  153. Sofia harvest
  154. Getting back into it !
  155. Hoppers inlet
  156. Apparently
  157. New and need somewhere to shoot
  158. Ducks , may 2016
  159. My pointer Irupé with the french hunters
  160. Shooting straight
  161. Sat 21/5-Wed 25/5
  162. Canada habits
  163. the things you see bird scouting
  164. Pictorial 2016
  165. Top ideas for 2016
  166. Kurow fish and game access point
  167. When to harvest turkeys?
  168. Real quiet.
  170. Duck night
  171. Good buy?
  172. NZ Hunter Adventures hour long duck episode tonight!
  173. Opening Weekend Special Episode
  174. reality check.
  175. Bismuth Ammo, I need some
  176. Any tips for a new duck hunter?
  177. decy set up
  178. I am a proud father
  179. Mai Mai all ready to go!!
  180. Run Forest !!! ..run !!!!
  181. terminator twin tornado decoy machine
  182. 11-87 Barrel seal (o-ring)
  183. Wasps dealt too but new problem
  184. Duck, duck!
  185. 2nd hand or cheap duck decoy for dog training
  186. New breed for hunting
  187. Opening morning cook-up
  188. Matilda y Sofia
  189. Birds with my pointer Irupé
  190. Goose hunt
  191. Lay out blinds what's good ?
  192. Benelli or beretta?
  193. Best Mallard Callers?
  194. Eye Openers 2016
  195. Birds are coming Back
  196. An eventful day Wasps around the nether region / scrub cutting / 1st trip for the pup
  197. the prevelence of crack in nz
  198. Moultrie Feeder - Help Needed
  199. PleeeeeeeaAAAAAAASSSSSEEE
  200. Rough shooting Ireland
  201. aint hunting grand
  202. Nuisance Ducks - can they be shot out of season?
  203. short video trailer on ruffed grouse...
  204. Kapiti Wellington Region Duck Shooting
  205. 2016 Gazette Notice
  206. duck shooting licence
  207. Breeding Quail Or partridge
  208. Pheasant hunting Ireland
  209. Duck Pond / irrigation pond Canterbury
  210. e-can -canada goose problem
  211. Pheasant shooting January 2016
  212. Hunting with my pointer , Irupé
  213. Prime TV - Duckshooting
  214. mallard releases
  215. Best shots of 2015
  216. Water fowl shotgun ?
  217. Walked up pheasant hunting
  218. Pheasant hunting Boxing Day
  219. Pheasant hunting 19.12.15
  220. Partridges with my pointers
  221. Carolina Wood Ducks?????
  222. ecan more useless than tits on a bull??
  223. Woodcock hunting Ireland
  224. Southland's 2016 gamebird regulations
  225. Our Birds Out Here In Nevada
  226. Woodcock hunting Ireland
  227. my paranoia knows no bounds
  228. moundsy paranoia knows no b
  229. finally some common sence
  230. Pheasant shooting 21st November 2015
  231. Pheasant shoot 7th November 2015
  232. Chukar - sourcing birds or eggs
  233. Nothing else matters
  234. Canada question
  235. those poor poms
  236. The results are in
  237. Just in case we forget what they look like...
  238. hunt for taxidermy
  239. Pheasants !!!!!
  240. fish and game elections
  241. the humble bunny
  242. Good Work
  243. Thanks to life
  244. patridges with de mexican people
  245. A foto in a million...
  246. Is that a pukeko or a Takahe Oooops!
  247. Woodhill Pheasants
  248. Pigeons...
  249. baikal blow jobs
  250. You gotta do what you gotta do...