- Winchester Super X steel Shot - duck load
- Benelli
- Duck shooting prep & special summer season 2019 Eastern
- Akkar semis?
- Beretta A400 worth the money
- summer lake parries and geese
- First of the season
- Shotgun fitting Hamilton Tauranga
- Sage Grouse Opener
- Ducklings
- Upland Shotguns and Chukkor
- Smug Dog
- Hunting the wild pigeon in the grey forest
- Divorce
- Calling Techniques
- Taupo hunting - advice or a hunting buddy
- Worst season ever? Or just the weather?
- Who's excited?
- Top of the south duck shooters
- Raupo taking over the Dam
- NZ Hunter Adventures 8.30pm tonight!
- Happens every bloody year
- duck preserves can f off
- New pond
- Tahr show duck calling notes
- lord of the ring [the return [the return of gimli]
- Duck boats
- Shot speed?
- a little something for the build up……….
- Decoy setup ideas and opinions on mai mai
- Flocking Ducks
- Old decoys help
- Duck Shooting tips and tricks
- Crash course on duck hunting
- Decoys wanted
- Goose decoys... floaters wtb or borrow
- Prospects looking good
- Duck season 2018 dates
- Is it to early?
- Rat control
- Wairarapa Gamebird Hunters... Look!
- Fired the feeder up
- Pheasant chicks/ young birds
- Californian Quail
- parries are easy
- Short Morning Quail Hunt
- Sagehen...Unique Western USA Grouse
- Eastern F&G Ballot holders to be charged a "maintenance" fee
- Pheasant eggs
- Lost camera
- no lead from 2021
- Quail Hunting
- Goose Caller
- More idiots
- to the F**ktard duck shooter who
- RnT duck callers
- Do you eat swans and geese?
- Pheasant in BOP
- Quail in the US
- waikato advice
- Apparently Gamebird shooting is cruel? Raving Vegan??????
- Stupid question about river access
- My second opening weekend...
- An open letter to Fish and Game
- Duck plucker
- Nerves are starting to kick in
- NZ Hunter 1.5 hour waterfowl episode tonight!
- What gun do you shoot and what ammunition
- Pukeko and "Sensitive bird caring frustrated gardener" problem.
- Pick one of two for me please...
- Idle questions for the duck hunt
- 9 more days
- Butts
- Winter rough shooting Ireland
- Are these any good or rubbish?
- Best duck shooting for 7 years
- Duck Shooting Safety Clip
- Anyone use decoys like these?
- Duck call advise please
- Peg out day 2017 9th April
- old decoys
- Higdon Splashing Flasher Parts
- What's on Special, and Where
- docs got some funny ideas
- Full Body Decoys
- Pheasant release
- Adding to the spread
- Pheasant shooting January part 2
- Licence 2017
- Best Cartridge for Quail.
- Eley lightning steel
- Long range weather forecast
- Wanted to borrow LayDown Blind
- Training resource
- Pattern Master Chokes
- F&G Regulations for up coming season
- January pheasant hunting Ireland
- feeding ducks
- Demise of Waterfowl. Habitat destruction.
- Starting to get duck fever - Changes over the years - plantings
- Quakersville
- The Demise of Canterbury Quail
- Summer Season
- Duck Hunter's Day 23 April 2017
- Rough shooting Ireland
- Argentina 2017 ...We started in april
- 99 dayz
- Pheasant shooting video Ireland
- heads up
- Question for the knowledgable
- Pheasant shooting Ireland
- Hunting partridges with Sofia
- Getting ready for turkey season
- Such are my lagoons today
- GSP follower C404 got ya ears on????
- Hen...
- Survey for F&G re shooting hours...
- Tonights walk
- Da mutt
- Swamp Comp
- Pheasants and Turkey as pests on Private Property [Regulations Needed]
- Failure in the nest department...
- Pigeons how to draw them in and knock them off with a .22?!
- Argentina duck hunting , with the french people
- Will 2017 be the last of lead in the sub-gauges
- Looking for Canada goose hunting opportunities in Auckland/Waikato region
- what a fuckin surprise
- Only Pigeons ....
- When do you start scouting for duck season
- Good alternative for a maimai
- Kreighoff's First Blood
- Great pigeons hunt with David from Spain
- Three generations of hunters
- Pigeons with my pointer , Irupé
- Ducks in Argentina with Mario from Paraguay
- Wallyess of the Week...or Weekend I should say...
- The Glorious Twelfth
- Parrie tips?
- Yesterday Morning ....
- Shot size, steel and lead
- Hunting in Argentina with Cristopher and friends from France
- heads up guys
- Carolina wood ducks
- Fowl Down
- Duck hunting you are doing it wrong.
- Happyness !!!!!
- Irupé again
- we were hunting partridge forest
- Nice Sunday
- Sofia harvest
- Getting back into it !
- Hoppers inlet
- Apparently
- New and need somewhere to shoot
- Ducks , may 2016
- My pointer Irupé with the french hunters
- Shooting straight
- Sat 21/5-Wed 25/5
- Canada habits
- the things you see bird scouting
- Pictorial 2016
- Top ideas for 2016
- Kurow fish and game access point
- When to harvest turkeys?
- Real quiet.
- Duck night
- Good buy?
- NZ Hunter Adventures hour long duck episode tonight!
- Opening Weekend Special Episode
- reality check.
- Bismuth Ammo, I need some
- Any tips for a new duck hunter?
- decy set up
- I am a proud father
- Mai Mai all ready to go!!
- Run Forest !!! ..run !!!!
- terminator twin tornado decoy machine
- 11-87 Barrel seal (o-ring)
- Wasps dealt too but new problem
- Duck, duck!
- 2nd hand or cheap duck decoy for dog training
- New breed for hunting
- Opening morning cook-up
- Matilda y Sofia
- Birds with my pointer Irupé
- Goose hunt
- Lay out blinds what's good ?
- Benelli or beretta?
- Best Mallard Callers?
- Eye Openers 2016
- Birds are coming Back
- An eventful day Wasps around the nether region / scrub cutting / 1st trip for the pup
- the prevelence of crack in nz
- Moultrie Feeder - Help Needed
- Rough shooting Ireland
- aint hunting grand
- Nuisance Ducks - can they be shot out of season?
- short video trailer on ruffed grouse...
- Kapiti Wellington Region Duck Shooting
- 2016 Gazette Notice
- duck shooting licence
- Breeding Quail Or partridge
- Pheasant hunting Ireland
- Duck Pond / irrigation pond Canterbury
- e-can -canada goose problem
- Pheasant shooting January 2016
- Hunting with my pointer , Irupé
- Prime TV - Duckshooting
- mallard releases
- Best shots of 2015
- Water fowl shotgun ?
- Walked up pheasant hunting
- Pheasant hunting Boxing Day
- Pheasant hunting 19.12.15
- Partridges with my pointers
- Carolina Wood Ducks?????
- ecan more useless than tits on a bull??
- Woodcock hunting Ireland
- Southland's 2016 gamebird regulations
- Our Birds Out Here In Nevada
- Woodcock hunting Ireland
- my paranoia knows no bounds
- moundsy paranoia knows no b
- finally some common sence
- Pheasant shooting 21st November 2015
- Pheasant shoot 7th November 2015
- Chukar - sourcing birds or eggs
- Nothing else matters
- Canada question
- those poor poms
- The results are in
- Just in case we forget what they look like...
- hunt for taxidermy
- Pheasants !!!!!
- fish and game elections
- the humble bunny
- Good Work
- Thanks to life
- patridges with de mexican people
- A foto in a million...
- Is that a pukeko or a Takahe Oooops!
- Woodhill Pheasants
- Pigeons...
- baikal blow jobs
- You gotta do what you gotta do...