- Some great pics of the old market hunting punt guns, boats and people in this link fr
- 20ga steel loads
- Bugger all parries?
- Help please: 2 3/4” vs 3” 0/U for ducks?
- Quackers - 2025 season dates
- River shooting opening
- training puppy to duck shoot
- Chukar Season Opens Saturday!
- Decoys
- Kookaburras
- Rotoehu
- Late season field hunting
- Wairoa/Mahia area pheasants
- "Off with her head"
- Lake Waipapa
- Orthotics and gumboots
- Shooting maize stubble
- not the greatest start to the season yesterday...
- Parry call
- May the 4th Be With You!!
- Where to shoot ducks near Queenstown
- Canada decoys to black swans
- dsucklicense;
- Churchill 612 12g shotgun reviews
- Looking for someone to show me the ropes with geese
- Cork for under Reed on single Reed duck calls
- Pine trees and ducks
- Wooden duck caller
- Painting a lot of decoys
- Sure shot 650 caller wanted
- Falcon ammo
- Decoy setups on large ponds
- Duck shooting in the Manawatu
- Pheasant hunting
- Hunting from gunboat waikato river
- 410 no toxic options
- Neoprene dog vest
- Waihora geese bomb up
- Tick......Tock.......Tick.........Tock......
- Bulk grain in Canterbury
- My 2024 Season
- on the board 2024
- Turning floating decoys into feild decoys
- Flocked decoys
- Interesting Way To Hunt Turkeys
- canadas distribution
- Canada 2023 season,
- Greener in the Field
- Victoria banning duck hunting?
- Pukeko recipes?
- Anyone eaten plovers?
- Few live ones
- North Canterbury Pheasants
- Layout blinds.
- Little Waihi Pukehina canel area
- Moods of duck shooting 2023
- Lake Ngaroto?
- Craigmore Pheasants
- Waders
- Fishing during duck season?
- .12ga winchokes
- Gamebore shotgun ammo very good deals
- Fifth of thames
- Pukeko question
- Shooting ducks on "reserve land"
- Duck shooting on public stream
- Decoy set up
- Makerua Swamp Manawatu
- Makerua Swamp Manawatu
- Best choke on the market....
- Advice on ducks
- WARNING !!! Higdon decoy recall notice on batteries............
- Duck storage/preparation
- Beretta choke tubes
- Hi Ho Hi Ho for a mallard we will go!!!!!
- Whats your go to duck load
- No more drift shooting in waikato river
- Swimming Ducks
- Single Reed callers
- Do you need Manuka for the mai mai?
- When to set out decoys
- Barrel length?
- Whangamarino wetland duck hunting banned
- New RMA consequences for Duck shooting
- Let’s see ya gunboat setups
- Spot X Gamebirds
- Duck shooting access
- ponds?
- Duck feeding regulations?
- The end of lead shot in 410's
- Cupped Wing traditional parrie caller. (black one)
- Black duck decoys are they worth it?
- Good online site
- Mai Mai talk/advice/showing off
- Wanted: Bulk Maize Grain
- Designated Puller
- 20 GA for ducks
- Food for thought
- How to hunt parries in summer cull??
- Young fella getting into it
- Successful Sage Hen Opener
- Turkey caller
- Spot the pheasant (with big balls)
- Random pest peacock
- The other white meat
- Gamebird books F/S
- Antique decoy number 2 for sale
- Antique decoy F/S
- BOP roosters
- flapper splasher decoys review
- Pheasants/ Upland Chat
- Game Bird Hunting Nelson / Tasman
- Ellesmere whats your thoughts ?
- Speed kills?
- Opening 2022
- traditions
- Looking for a Layout Blind
- Ducks banded this year ?
- What to feed out?
- Duck calling
- Duck callers
- Caller Lanyards
- Duck Shooters Shoot
- No Fish and Game Day Licences any longer?
- Lake Ellesmere Low?
- Tagged & scrubbed up 2022
- Ammo Availability?
- What to do with unwanted ducks
- 28guage steel shot
- Looking for Canada Geese on Canterbury Doc Land
- Parrie season tips?
- Lead in .410 vs steel in 20
- Riverbed Ducks - Dos and Don’ts
- Blind Bag- recommendations
- Where to buy pheasants
- Poor rooster
- Duck Season dates 2022
- Pond/lake choice, what do I look for
- Pheasant and Quail wings for training
- Looking to tag along, need a bot of mentoring next season.
- My Canada game bird season,
- gamebird season
- Sagehen Season Again
- Kicks High Flyer Chokes
- Dead duck today
- New Duck Ducks
- combover fed farmers dick tries to rewrite history
- Opening Weekend Video
- Afternoon Pigeon Shoot
- Flax around pond
- Decoys
- Turkey processing
- Firth
- Hunters first duck shoot
- Do you think i am really stupid ?
- The Duckinator
- Stand tags removed
- touching up
- Lake Otamangakau
- Opening Weekend 2021
- Go south young man
- Good Luck for tomorrow
- Hunting Manawatu River
- Ti tree north of Hamilton
- Chukar in Otago
- Lake ellesmere boating
- Mai mais 2021
- Mai mais 2021
- Canadian Geese on public land
- How to Kaingaroa pheasants and quail
- Tagged up 2021
- New to gamebirds
- Layout Blinds
- The minds power of attraction
- Help What is the correct etiquette for stands
- Open Season for Game in Fish and Game Regions
- Quail non Hunting
- summer parries 2021
- Whangamarino swamp
- CNI gamebirds
- hunting on lake Kohangatera
- Paradise Duckling
- Go to pheasant recipes?
- Submission regarding fish and game
- midnight-massacre-planned-for-canada-geese
- Landowner Gift
- Firth of Thames?
- Gun/bird dog breeders
- Hunting raglan harbour
- Took the .410g for a walk
- First opening in 25 years
- Hot Barrels
- Clays day
- Anyone shoot ducks from a small boat/kayak?
- Avery Duck Decoys
- How to seal a duck pond?
- Gapped axe shoot and met
- The first weekend in May.............
- Nice counter punch
- Pleased it is only an opinion
- chris ziesler
- Game Bird Hunting in Auckland
- Gamebird season - new dates announced
- Duck feeding
- .410 recomendations
- Auckland Pheasants
- Ammo preferences
- No Duck Shooting 2020
- Decoys
- Duck boat ideas
- Duck boat ideas
- Duck Shooting Images 2019
- Duck Shooting 2020
- Duck boat outboard tips
- Fish and Game Update to come
- Half of my duck pond stolen
- Duck Shooter Wanted
- tea tree
- Quail & pheasant numbers
- gooses
- Woody's First Hunt
- Nevada Sagehen Hunt 2019
- dork of the week
- No more Duckshooting??
- Pukeko control permit where to apply ?
- Turkey shot placement with 22 lr or 12 gauge
- Hen pheasant colour
- Champion Springs
- Enjoyed doing that
- Pheasants in BOP or Rotorua area?
- Banded Birds
- Spotted a Layout Blind for sale
- Ellesmere and dogs
- Wanted! A duck.
- Hello everyone and help wanted
- Non toxic subgauge ammo
- Hunting Quail
- Duck Snitzel
- Always some prick ruins a good sport
- How did you do on opening day ?
- duck caller
- red dots
- The TOBY Shelter
- Patternmaster
- shotgun 12ga
- 410 AMMO
- Who's getting ready for the duck shooting season?
- what am i to make of this
- Bit of Birding