View Full Version : Game Bird Hunting

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  1. Some great pics of the old market hunting punt guns, boats and people in this link fr
  2. 20ga steel loads
  3. Bugger all parries?
  4. Help please: 2 3/4” vs 3” 0/U for ducks?
  5. Quackers - 2025 season dates
  6. River shooting opening
  7. training puppy to duck shoot
  8. Chukar Season Opens Saturday!
  9. Decoys
  10. Kookaburras
  11. Rotoehu
  12. Late season field hunting
  13. Wairoa/Mahia area pheasants
  14. "Off with her head"
  15. Lake Waipapa
  16. Orthotics and gumboots
  17. Shooting maize stubble
  18. not the greatest start to the season yesterday...
  19. Parry call
  20. May the 4th Be With You!!
  21. Where to shoot ducks near Queenstown
  22. Canada decoys to black swans
  23. dsucklicense;
  24. Churchill 612 12g shotgun reviews
  25. Looking for someone to show me the ropes with geese
  26. Cork for under Reed on single Reed duck calls
  27. Pine trees and ducks
  28. Wooden duck caller
  29. Painting a lot of decoys
  30. Sure shot 650 caller wanted
  31. Falcon ammo
  32. Decoy setups on large ponds
  33. Duck shooting in the Manawatu
  34. Pheasant hunting
  35. Hunting from gunboat waikato river
  36. 410 no toxic options
  37. Neoprene dog vest
  38. Waihora geese bomb up
  39. Tick......Tock.......Tick.........Tock......
  40. Bulk grain in Canterbury
  41. My 2024 Season
  42. on the board 2024
  43. Turning floating decoys into feild decoys
  44. Flocked decoys
  45. Interesting Way To Hunt Turkeys
  46. canadas distribution
  47. Canada 2023 season,
  48. Greener in the Field
  49. Victoria banning duck hunting?
  50. Pukeko recipes?
  51. Anyone eaten plovers?
  52. Few live ones
  53. North Canterbury Pheasants
  54. Layout blinds.
  55. Little Waihi Pukehina canel area
  56. Moods of duck shooting 2023
  57. Lake Ngaroto?
  58. Craigmore Pheasants
  59. Waders
  60. Fishing during duck season?
  61. .12ga winchokes
  62. Gamebore shotgun ammo very good deals
  63. Fifth of thames
  64. Pukeko question
  65. Shooting ducks on "reserve land"
  66. Duck shooting on public stream
  67. Decoy set up
  68. Makerua Swamp Manawatu
  69. Makerua Swamp Manawatu
  70. Best choke on the market....
  71. Advice on ducks
  72. WARNING !!! Higdon decoy recall notice on batteries............
  73. Duck storage/preparation
  74. Beretta choke tubes
  75. Hi Ho Hi Ho for a mallard we will go!!!!!
  76. Whats your go to duck load
  77. No more drift shooting in waikato river
  78. Swimming Ducks
  79. Single Reed callers
  80. Do you need Manuka for the mai mai?
  81. When to set out decoys
  82. Barrel length?
  83. Whangamarino wetland duck hunting banned
  84. New RMA consequences for Duck shooting
  85. Let’s see ya gunboat setups
  86. Spot X Gamebirds
  87. Duck shooting access
  88. ponds?
  89. Duck feeding regulations?
  90. The end of lead shot in 410's
  91. Cupped Wing traditional parrie caller. (black one)
  93. Black duck decoys are they worth it?
  94. Good online site
  95. Mai Mai talk/advice/showing off
  96. Wanted: Bulk Maize Grain
  97. Designated Puller
  98. 20 GA for ducks
  99. Food for thought
  100. How to hunt parries in summer cull??
  101. Young fella getting into it
  102. Successful Sage Hen Opener
  103. Turkey caller
  104. Spot the pheasant (with big balls)
  105. Random pest peacock
  106. The other white meat
  107. Gamebird books F/S
  108. Antique decoy number 2 for sale
  109. Antique decoy F/S
  110. BOP roosters
  111. flapper splasher decoys review
  112. Pheasants/ Upland Chat
  113. Game Bird Hunting Nelson / Tasman
  114. Ellesmere whats your thoughts ?
  115. Speed kills?
  116. Opening 2022
  117. traditions
  118. Looking for a Layout Blind
  119. Ducks banded this year ?
  120. What to feed out?
  121. Duck calling
  122. Duck callers
  123. Caller Lanyards
  124. Duck Shooters Shoot
  125. No Fish and Game Day Licences any longer?
  126. Lake Ellesmere Low?
  127. Tagged & scrubbed up 2022
  128. Ammo Availability?
  129. What to do with unwanted ducks
  130. 28guage steel shot
  131. Looking for Canada Geese on Canterbury Doc Land
  132. Parrie season tips?
  133. Lead in .410 vs steel in 20
  134. Riverbed Ducks - Dos and Don’ts
  135. Blind Bag- recommendations
  136. Where to buy pheasants
  137. Poor rooster
  138. Duck Season dates 2022
  139. Pond/lake choice, what do I look for
  140. Pheasant and Quail wings for training
  141. Looking to tag along, need a bot of mentoring next season.
  142. My Canada game bird season,
  143. gamebird season
  144. Sagehen Season Again
  145. Kicks High Flyer Chokes
  146. Dead duck today
  147. New Duck Ducks
  148. combover fed farmers dick tries to rewrite history
  149. Opening Weekend Video
  150. Afternoon Pigeon Shoot
  151. Flax around pond
  152. Decoys
  153. Turkey processing
  154. Firth
  155. Hunters first duck shoot
  156. Do you think i am really stupid ?
  157. The Duckinator
  158. Stand tags removed
  159. touching up
  160. Lake Otamangakau
  161. Opening Weekend 2021
  162. Go south young man
  163. Good Luck for tomorrow
  164. Hunting Manawatu River
  165. Ti tree north of Hamilton
  166. Chukar in Otago
  167. Lake ellesmere boating
  168. Mai mais 2021
  169. Mai mais 2021
  170. Canadian Geese on public land
  171. How to Kaingaroa pheasants and quail
  172. Tagged up 2021
  173. New to gamebirds
  174. Layout Blinds
  175. The minds power of attraction
  176. Help What is the correct etiquette for stands
  177. Open Season for Game in Fish and Game Regions
  178. Quail non Hunting
  179. summer parries 2021
  180. Whangamarino swamp
  181. CNI gamebirds
  182. hunting on lake Kohangatera
  183. Paradise Duckling
  184. Go to pheasant recipes?
  185. Submission regarding fish and game
  186. midnight-massacre-planned-for-canada-geese
  187. Landowner Gift
  188. Firth of Thames?
  189. Gun/bird dog breeders
  190. Hunting raglan harbour
  191. Took the .410g for a walk
  192. First opening in 25 years
  193. Hot Barrels
  194. Clays day
  195. Anyone shoot ducks from a small boat/kayak?
  196. Avery Duck Decoys
  197. How to seal a duck pond?
  198. Gapped axe shoot and met
  199. The first weekend in May.............
  200. Nice counter punch
  201. Pleased it is only an opinion
  202. chris ziesler
  203. Game Bird Hunting in Auckland
  204. Gamebird season - new dates announced
  205. Duck feeding
  206. .410 recomendations
  207. Auckland Pheasants
  208. Ammo preferences
  209. No Duck Shooting 2020
  210. Decoys
  211. Duck boat ideas
  212. Duck boat ideas
  213. Duck Shooting Images 2019
  214. Duck Shooting 2020
  215. Duck boat outboard tips
  216. Fish and Game Update to come
  217. Half of my duck pond stolen
  218. Duck Shooter Wanted
  219. tea tree
  220. Quail & pheasant numbers
  221. gooses
  222. Woody's First Hunt
  223. Nevada Sagehen Hunt 2019
  224. dork of the week
  225. No more Duckshooting??
  226. Pukeko control permit where to apply ?
  227. Turkey shot placement with 22 lr or 12 gauge
  228. Hen pheasant colour
  229. Champion Springs
  230. Enjoyed doing that
  231. Pheasants in BOP or Rotorua area?
  232. Banded Birds
  233. Spotted a Layout Blind for sale
  234. Ellesmere and dogs
  235. Wanted! A duck.
  236. Hello everyone and help wanted
  237. Non toxic subgauge ammo
  238. Hunting Quail
  239. Duck Snitzel
  240. Always some prick ruins a good sport
  241. How did you do on opening day ?
  242. duck caller
  243. red dots
  244. The TOBY Shelter
  245. Patternmaster
  246. shotgun 12ga
  247. 410 AMMO
  248. Who's getting ready for the duck shooting season?
  249. what am i to make of this
  250. Bit of Birding