View Full Version : Fishing

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  1. The Trout Diaries
  2. fathers day swim
  3. Snapper
  4. white baiting
  5. World Record Brown Trout!!!
  6. They're starting to come inshore
  7. Question - beach wash up
  9. Todays Effort!
  10. Bowfishing on Hunting Aotearoa next week
  11. Eels
  12. Winter fishing Tasman bay
  13. Orcas, a seal and fishermen...not a video
  14. Hampden, what's the fishing like there
  15. fly tying
  16. fishing a bit slow today
  17. a few snaps caught just out from home
  19. My first few fish
  20. Grouper and Snapper spots Around Durville :) Anyone?
  21. 222 & Powerplay surf rods ?
  22. Flounder in the Firth
  23. For someone who has had no luck of late with the rainbow...this is just too much!!!
  24. First snapper caught from the new boat
  25. Surfcasting Nationals
  26. Manawatu surfcasting tips
  27. Castlepoint
  28. Eides Sports $40,000 Surfcasting Contest Wanganui
  29. Fishing Trip this W/E
  30. Sat 17th Charter anyone?
  31. Waitarere Surf Casting Competion
  32. Childrens Day Eel Contest
  33. Shit for a starter!
  34. Fly Line to Leader
  35. Filleting knife straight or curved?
  36. Couple of sessions surf casting this weekend
  37. Kayak Fishing - Marlin
  38. Eel scoffs sparroow!
  39. Snapper Hunting
  40. First Snapper for 12
  41. First Trout for 2012
  42. Kayak fishing, auckland
  43. Anyone Jetski fishing?
  44. Blind/Black Trout
  45. Any Cool Fishy Prezzies?
  46. [B]Its always a good day when![/B]
  47. forum BBQ
  48. Catch and release vid
  49. What did you catch today?
  50. Fishing Adventures with the Family
  51. Backwash browns
  52. Tasman Bay Snapper
  53. Catch Any Trout Today?
  54. rock fishing trip
  55. Rakaia Salmon
  56. Work up spotted from home
  57. Fishing with a handline in NZ
  58. First Groper/Hapuka
  59. Salmon