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  1. Safety storag compliance & my little lsituation of no fixed home yet...
  2. Unlicensed person with 19 mssa ... sentenced to home D
  3. Firearms officer inspection after change of address
  4. poachers caught
  5. Firearms in vehicle when travelling on Ferry
  6. A good insight into recent (20 yr) history of armed policing (AOS) in NZ
  7. ammo storage
  8. Advice needed
  9. Traveling with a rifle
  10. Idiots who have FAL.
  11. Re applying for expired FAL
  12. Loaded Rifle
  13. Recent experience of getting firearm in rental property?
  14. Firearm safety course theory test
  15. Pistol Storage Rules
  16. Should movie stars be allowed to outsource personal responsibility?
  17. Is an air rifle a firearm?
  18. Gun safe
  19. Putting a handle on a safe door
  20. Idoits that get firearm licences
  21. How's this for a deterrent ?
  22. Impulse ear plugs
  23. 1 Licensed Hunter, Two Rifles?
  24. Question on renewal
  25. UK "Guntrader" site- data breach
  26. Police pushing firearms safety in mass media
  27. Community detention for man with Ar15
  28. Relocating gun safe on same property.
  29. Duck shooting accident
  30. Firearm safe, what's the go
  31. Kaimai shooters on target
  32. 300 Blackout Fired In 223
  33. Want to avoid jail - 900m close to a dwelling
  34. Permanent Resident/Firearms License Holder Returning to NZ with Rifle
  35. Safe Alarms
  36. Comercial flights with Black Powder ?
  37. Firearms in Vehicles
  38. Oops...
  39. A Blast From the Past. Firearms Licensing Old Style.
  40. Beware the Hangfire !!
  41. AR15 in rush hour traffic??
  42. 15 to sit firearms test
  43. Missing Rifle !!
  44. Be Ever Vigilant
  45. How Could This Happen ?
  46. The Arms Code booklet
  47. License vetting and medical information
  48. New version of the Police's firearms secure storage guidance
  49. Hearing Protection
  50. ATTN Christchurch
  51. The Firearms National Support Team - Data breach potential
  52. SoundGear Electronic Earplugs
  53. Earpro in Advertising
  54. license information scam?
  55. Dunedin cop didn't hand in his AR........
  56. Outdated question on the Police firearms test
  57. OUCH
  58. Dodgy gun lock for security
  59. An uphill struggle to educate non-shooters
  60. Firearm licencing
  61. A Cautionary Tale
  62. JC
  63. How to find a sponsor for Temporary firearms license
  64. Muppets walk amongst us
  65. Re-licencing.....
  66. Man shot in leg
  67. boy injured after rifle "blows up"
  68. HELP...Stupid boy omitted to keep a link of Dealers delivery networks.
  69. Armed police arrest man after gun spotted on Wellington street
  70. bullet ricocheted through the windscreen?
  71. officer was forced to shoot at the man's car
  72. Good video from an ozzy fishing legend
  73. That's a bit embarrassing...
  74. After all this waiting I get this WTF
  75. Import permit, is it required for a bipod ?
  76. "Weak" Rear Locker Lee Enfield No 4 action vs .300 Win Mag
  77. How well do bullets swim?
  78. Cops have two Glocks stolen in Gore.
  79. Another poacher ... Martinborough
  80. Nz Cosmoline?
  81. What’s going on in Napier?
  82. Todays Email firearms law change exempions
  83. Buy back list
  84. and the cops think we licensed FAL holders are not safe ???? WTF
  85. 1918 303 experience
  86. Home Made Safe
  87. Firearms Safety view - ex-USA
  88. Police Website Change of address Online?
  89. Rules of installing a gun safe/rack
  90. Farmer fires warning shots at hunters on Doc land..
  91. Your not gonna believe this..
  92. Rifle safe/rack and renting a flat
  93. Trigger locks are illegal apparently......
  94. Armed Police buying lunch
  95. FAL F**k up.
  96. Mounting a safe inside a standalone cupboard
  97. Some people
  98. Aviation security retards ?!
  99. Who was the retard who didn’t check in his gun properly?
  100. Rifles as baggage
  101. I nearly did
  102. Safe transportation - legal requirements?
  103. Have Gun City done a big clean up on their website?
  104. Shooting Safety Glasses
  105. U.S. police deputy nearly killed on duty.
  106. Police Fire..... Bystander Safety?
  107. Mission accomplished
  108. Dont take hearing protection lightly
  109. Wow....just wow...
  110. Guns Stolen From Unattended Vehicle in Matamata
  111. Police shoot at car after high-speed rampage across Auckland
  112. Positive inspection recently
  113. The real reason for B/E-cat storage requirements and inspections
  114. COLFO News Issue 1 – February 2019
  115. Discharge Without Conviction
  116. Refugee escapes punishment for shooting man who racially attacked him
  117. Constitution and controls on firearms ownership
  118. Constitution and controls on firearms ownership
  119. AR15 - Cleaning regime question
  120. Bolt security
  121. New Arms Regulations From 17 January 2019
  122. New Arms Regulations From 17 January 2019
  123. Semi-automatic guns sold by Defence Force being used by gangs
  124. COLFO News Issue 6 – December 2018
  125. One person taken to hospital in Masterton after a firearms incident
  126. Options for security camera
  127. Pot shots with a 308
  128. Varmint annoyance
  129. Italians and Firearms
  130. Anti-1080 protester has firearms licence revoked after delivering threatening letter
  131. Gunpowder Storage - Residential laws
  132. Probably Just Looking for a Toilet
  133. NZ Defence Force admits it has an issue with hearing loss
  134. FAL renewal
  135. COLFO News Issue 5 – October 2018
  136. POLICY not law changes
  137. Hunter convicted
  138. Locks for gunsafe
  139. C2191 6mm steel safe
  140. Mangatawhiri hunter transported to Middlemore Hospital after shooting himself in leg
  141. Ban Guns, knives, and now CARS?
  142. old shot gun cartridges
  143. Nazis successfully complete invasion 70 years later
  144. 2 Laws?
  145. Shots fired at surfers off Taharoa coast
  146. Overall length Saga continues
  147. Police frustrated by the law
  148. Soldier shot in shoulder during Tekapo live firing training exercise
  149. Banning shortend firearms!
  150. Guidelines for schools developing a firearms safety policy
  151. Fire arm safety......
  152. Buying Ammo
  153. Fiordland submission on proposed hotel.
  154. Pbt courier leaves firearm outside of house.
  155. Fastways Courier Calling The Cops?
  156. Another Idiot Courier and Dumb Gun Buyer
  157. Disarmament and arms control
  158. Hamilton shooting
  159. Man who shot teen dead in hunting accident 22 years ago loses firearms licence bid
  160. Hiding Gun Cabinet Keys
  161. [B]Final Police Consultation Roadshow, Dunedin 29 June 2018.[/B]
  162. Vault E Cat 8 gun safe
  163. New Firearms Licence Practical Training
  164. no ammo AT ALL on nhtional flights
  165. Very Powerful Firearms
  166. A Letter from COLFO
  167. Drunk man shoots himself
  168. Firearms Project Community Discussion Sessions: FCAF update
  169. C Category Storage
  170. Mark your guns?
  171. Seven guns stolen in two Te Anau burglaries
  172. Responsible Firearms Use near Wanganui
  173. Man rescued from Kaimanawa Ranges after suffering gunshot wound
  174. Firearms license changes
  175. Police seize 39 guns in raid at house in rural south Auckland
  176. FIREARMS SECURE STORAGE - New Police Call for Submissions.
  177. Now, ARE YOU fit and proper? Don't sweat small past stuff.
  178. Not a 'Fit and Proper Person'
  179. Vehicle transport catch-22
  180. Target id.
  181. Farmer feels isolated from mates after losing firearms licence during depression
  182. Uncovered guns
  183. Could toting a toy gun be more dangerous than we think?
  184. The Thin Blue Line
  185. Childcare Centre developing gun safety kit for toddlers
  186. YE GADS
  187. Police doing a 3 yearly check of my safe for my E Endorsement?
  188. Not worth the hassle...
  189. Is Police Response Rate 2 Firearm Thefts Good Enough? "Caller Mike" Again.
  190. Name that poacher
  191. Caller Mike
  192. More drop kicks
  193. Good result but deserved a lot more
  194. Hunter rescued by helicopter after accidentally stabbing himself
  195. Gun safety classes hope to lower number of kids shot
  196. Trial Firearm Licence Firearm Safety Programme
  197. Nice wee Christmas treat from customs NZ
  198. Firearms storage question - shotgun forend removal
  199. And so it goes on...
  200. Improving my TM security - TM had helpful helpdesk.
  201. Police seek air rifle shooter
  202. OH FFS
  203. NZ Police has chilling problem: they're Killing, More and More
  204. Firearms Security Submission
  205. Stuff link
  206. Firearm and Public Health Seminar
  207. 13,000 military-style semi-automatic weapons in NZ
  208. Non Constructive Post Only Posted to Cause Controversy
  209. E-cat gun safe. Will it pass inspection????
  210. Nicole Mckee on the Project NZ
  211. How many mistakes made for this to happen?
  212. Chubb safe
  213. Now is the time
  214. COLFO - memberships numbers of sub organisations
  215. A Message From COLFO
  216. Trade me has firearms database
  217. Wooden Gun Safe
  218. Fireams on Public Transport?
  219. Otaki H&F gunshop closed down ?
  220. Morrinsville Shooting
  221. Geuss Who? Phillip Alpers Chimes In
  222. Ruger Issues Safety Bulletin For Ruger Precision Rifle
  223. Ruger Issues Safety Bulletin For Ruger Precision Rifle
  225. Support for tighter Acat storage
  226. Not enough !
  227. And Again, Bloody Hell
  228. At least this one was stopped
  229. Gillespie shooting his mouth again
  230. A live mortar blown up in Bay of Plenty was 'still highly explosive'
  231. Northland Shooting
  232. DIY thumb hole A-cat stock for AR-15
  233. Unlicenced man sells illegal firearm to gang member
  234. E cat conditions
  235. Trigger Tech Recall
  236. ammunition on national flights
  237. Darwin award
  238. E-Cat B-Cat Safes
  239. 5.56 nato in a Baikal .223 REM?
  240. Should Have Been More Than a Warning
  241. Fastways Couriers WTF!
  242. Australian Gun Amnesty
  243. Response to the Law and Order Select committee
  246. Guns in schools
  247. This is not safe
  248. Whats the point of Police doing their job
  249. We are only human
  250. Not Good