View Full Version : Firearm Safety
- New week, new 'Ultra Vires' Police Action
- Recent E-cat safe deals/inspections?
- Nothing Constructive and Only Posted to Cause Controversy Again
- New Updated Arms Code 2017
- Another Newspaper Report Only Re-Posted to Cause Controversy and Not Be Constructive
- Hunter admits accidentally shooting wife
- Firearms licence waiting times
- Sick of it all. Off to war.
- SHot fired over cops head.
- very sad news for ANZAC Day - Invercargill shooting
- FAL Renewal Denied
- Gun shot fired in Gun City Car park
- Paula Bennett. Le ther know how pissed off you are
- Something I heard on the radio this morning...
- Darwin candidate?
- More stupidity
- Roar Time Again
- Stupid Unsafe Rifle
- andrew hore WTH
- Kawerau siege - Stuff court report
- Anyone tried putting shelves in their safe?
- Fixing E-Cat safe question
- Anyone have a Proline E-Cat safe?
- American Idiots With Guns Shoot Each Other Then Blame Illegal Aliens
- Gun confiscated as Marlborough farmers battle quake trauma
- Storing firearms back home while we travel overseas
- Looking for the smallest possible B/C/E cat safe
- More Pistols and Semi Autos Stolen
- E cat safe/safe room options
- CCi stingers
- Firearms license
- Air Force flight lieutenant denies stealing pistol parts from Base Woodbourne
- Details emerge on arsenal of weapons stolen from Dunedin house
- Music video actor shot dead in Australia while filming scene involving guns
- Gun Safe Rules - Advice
- Illeagal firearms amnesty?
- Fire arm storage over the holidays
- E cat safe placement
- FAL licensing question
- Ammo purchase details recorded?
- It's a PASS!
- Safe and Security Requirements Under the Arms Act 1983
- Here's a question that is not so easy to answer.
- Should this dropkick get his FAL back?
- Firearm gun safe fit
- E-Cat Safe and Application
- Location of safe, A cat, police check - please advise.
- HDPA does indeed lie about firearms
- Firearm safety simulator - NZ.
- Thirft Store Body Armor
- So what do we do now???
- The Bandwagon
- Another Aramoana???
- Talking firearms on Radio Live
- Could we do more
- camo in the bush
- NZDF captain facing court martial for negligence
- Courier company does it again.
- System working??
- Sending a gun by courier to gun shop - quick advice!
- firearms licence and trademe
- New gun security laws
- no license needed
- I Dont see this helping
- No F.A.L No Worries
- MSC just sacked all its volunteers.
- Semi Autos - Possible Interesting Development
- A cat to e cat
- B Cat Safe.... info required please.
- Submission to Parliment
- Firearms licence renewal letter
- Further Firearms/Hunting/Outdoors Training and Learning
- 'Murica
- Umm.....yeah nah DONT DO THIS
- T3 Half- cock issue
- Could it be so simple?
- Gun license stuff.
- Hunters Taking Responsibility for Safety
- Why do hunters continue to be accidentally shot?
- Only in America
- Fixing a safe to a concrete rib-raft floor
- Mail order firearm loophole??????????
- check your back drop.
- oh shit
- What on earth is she doing?
- Hearing protection
- Home renovation and gun licence
- What aren't they telling us?
- Needed: Gunsafe for 1350 mm long rifles
- What's wrong with this picture...
- Look out you F#*kers
- Safe Installation
- Im lost for words
- Policeman shoots himself in foot
- Thoughts on shooting possums with a 300BLK?
- Mail order system
- Why frontline cops should be armed
- MSC and firearms licensing
- Knife attack @ UC Merced
- Nothing Is Taboo ... Except Gun Safety
- Media Firearms beat-up continues
- TV3 & Guncity mistake
- shootings
- Mistaken for game hunting accidents and human factors report
- Two Near Miss" safety incidents with the Sako 85 at a gong shoot
- Teo Near Miss" safety incidents with the Sako 85 at a gong shoot
- Licensing and mental illness
- AOS shooting -TVOne sunday program
- Travelling with guns in a motorhome / campervan
- oh bugger
- This question again
- Opening bolt before handling rifle.
- How long is the wait for police vetting?
- Couriering weapons?
- Trampers 'frightened' by unspecified proximity of hunters.
- What are these for?
- Drone firing a handgun
- Video: Bullet gets stuck in leg, but only just
- Lawyer accidentally takes pistol to court
- Internal richochet?
- Even Air Rifles Sting
- That answers that question!!!
- remington 700 receiver old quality control issue
- Russian roulette fail
- Courier
- Remmington to change trigger
- Not impressed.!
- Stolen firearms found
- Ashburton Rifle Range: CLOSED
- Hunting Aotearoa Today
- .243 ammo in a 7mm08
- The Law - any clarity?
- Mates just had his placed burgled
- 22LR bullet put a hole in my pocket - literally!!
- unlawful hunting and having a firearm without a licence
- Cannon Type Firearm?
- A category strong room
- suppressor failure
- Downwards or Safest Direction
- Firearm Storage Requirements
- Looks like a poacher was shot last night
- Gun Rack
- E-cat safe confusion
- Cartridge Belts
- Why some people should never have children...
- Spam - phishing attacks - not sure where to put this
- What I got from gunstuff as an email, police looking to charge for paperwork
- Securing an E-cat safe...
- Count the fails...
- Darwin is getting slow in his old age.
- Owing an A-cat AR-15 + a bolt action rifle with 'MSSA' features
- Our gun laws
- 3 things you never lend out....
- I know you should be careful what you wish for, but still.
- Change of Address
- E-Cat Firearms. Are you meant to remove the bolts when they are in the safe?
- Laugh or Vomit
- and this is why you dond leave un protected black powder near by when shooting
- 'mountain monsters' on animal!
- nice and simple video on safety, applies to rifles as well.
- Network Security Camera Setup
- Sighting In
- jesus wept
- The Problem Girlfriend question.
- The 300, my story
- Wtf
- 100 Dairy cows Pb poisioned at Southland clay club
- The IRIS - a great Kiwi product, what do you think?
- Is a Change of Possession form what I need / looking for?
- Lock, Stock and Barrel in the South Island article
- OH Sh!t moment.
- Safer practices
- Picture and serial number recording of firearms
- nearly 300 sheep shot in north otago.
- Campbell Live Tonight
- Man gored by his pet stag
- Un safety habits taught at Gun City.
- Mountain Safety Council Firearms Course
- Gun & Ammo selling question
- Fire Arms Theft ..
- mythbusters, disco channel 1730 Wed
- American safes...In New Zealand!
- E endorsement Q&As
- Your eyes see what your brain expects to see ?
- Dropped ammo exploding
- Matawai Spotlighters
- The anti gun lobby
- Another one
- Oh no, not again
- Remington Recall
- police change if address
- Shooting Possums in trees
- Russians...
- To the Bastard !!!!
- Another 338 Lapua blow up
- Taranaki Hunters be warned
- Italian shooting season fatalities...
- What to do with safe keys/spare
- Safe near hot water cylinder
- Mt Wellington incident
- Teen wounded. shot in shoulder
- Importing a Sako
- Darwin Was Right!
- Free E's ..... we'll almost
- New Gun Laws, Free Standing Pistol Grip Question.
- Police Report just came in.
- Enjoyed a visit from the police today at my fav shooting spot!
- Getting an E-Cat safe
- Info regarding law changes? Where's the communication
- A gentle reminder ... ouch
- Safety Rule Number 8
- NZ Police Press release
- Air rifle target practice
- Hearing protection
- Aftermarket R93 and R8 Barrels – Major Safety Concerns
- IRIS hunter safety technology
- Rule 5 Failure
- "Edge" cat E safes on TM any good? pass AO?
- Firearms security
- Any updates on whats happening with the law change on MSSA's?
- A newbie with a licence question ...
- Point it right between my eyes - WTF?
- A sad day
- Good to see some common sense!!
- What's wrong with this picture?!
- advise please:-)
- Really? How hard is it
- Shots fired during chase
- Shot n the Bum !?!
- A less in gun safety from the professionals
- Whoa Gun City.....
- scatter gun like a pro
- NEW MSSA law ..?.......
- How young is to young?
- How to verify an airgun is unloaded ?
- thompson/ center recall AGAIN !!!! Via Deadeye dicks face book page
- Shots fired on the North Shore
- Home Security
- How stuped can you be ( facebook link )
- Home Burgulary
- Need some help please!
- Yet another shooting incident in the states
- Richochet!!
- Safe place to store ammo?
- Firearms License
- New law to be enacted banning pressure cookers in NZ you have to hand yours in now
- How Fucking stupid are some people
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