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  1. New week, new 'Ultra Vires' Police Action
  2. Recent E-cat safe deals/inspections?
  3. Nothing Constructive and Only Posted to Cause Controversy Again
  4. New Updated Arms Code 2017
  5. Another Newspaper Report Only Re-Posted to Cause Controversy and Not Be Constructive
  6. Hunter admits accidentally shooting wife
  7. Firearms licence waiting times
  8. Sick of it all. Off to war.
  9. SHot fired over cops head.
  10. very sad news for ANZAC Day - Invercargill shooting
  11. FAL Renewal Denied
  12. Gun shot fired in Gun City Car park
  13. Paula Bennett. Le ther know how pissed off you are
  14. Something I heard on the radio this morning...
  15. Darwin candidate?
  16. More stupidity
  17. Roar Time Again
  18. Stupid Unsafe Rifle
  19. andrew hore WTH
  20. Kawerau siege - Stuff court report
  21. Anyone tried putting shelves in their safe?
  22. Fixing E-Cat safe question
  23. Anyone have a Proline E-Cat safe?
  24. American Idiots With Guns Shoot Each Other Then Blame Illegal Aliens
  25. Gun confiscated as Marlborough farmers battle quake trauma
  26. Storing firearms back home while we travel overseas
  27. Looking for the smallest possible B/C/E cat safe
  28. More Pistols and Semi Autos Stolen
  29. E cat safe/safe room options
  30. CCi stingers
  31. Firearms license
  32. Air Force flight lieutenant denies stealing pistol parts from Base Woodbourne
  33. Details emerge on arsenal of weapons stolen from Dunedin house
  34. Music video actor shot dead in Australia while filming scene involving guns
  35. Gun Safe Rules - Advice
  36. Illeagal firearms amnesty?
  37. Fire arm storage over the holidays
  38. E cat safe placement
  39. FAL licensing question
  40. Ammo purchase details recorded?
  41. It's a PASS!
  42. Safe and Security Requirements Under the Arms Act 1983
  43. Here's a question that is not so easy to answer.
  44. Should this dropkick get his FAL back?
  45. Firearm gun safe fit
  46. E-Cat Safe and Application
  47. Location of safe, A cat, police check - please advise.
  48. HDPA does indeed lie about firearms
  49. Firearm safety simulator - NZ.
  50. Thirft Store Body Armor
  51. So what do we do now???
  52. The Bandwagon
  53. Another Aramoana???
  54. Talking firearms on Radio Live
  55. Could we do more
  56. camo in the bush
  57. NZDF captain facing court martial for negligence
  58. Courier company does it again.
  59. System working??
  60. Sending a gun by courier to gun shop - quick advice!
  61. firearms licence and trademe
  62. New gun security laws
  63. no license needed
  64. I Dont see this helping
  65. No F.A.L No Worries
  66. MSC just sacked all its volunteers.
  67. Semi Autos - Possible Interesting Development
  68. A cat to e cat
  69. B Cat Safe.... info required please.
  70. Submission to Parliment
  71. Firearms licence renewal letter
  72. Further Firearms/Hunting/Outdoors Training and Learning
  73. 'Murica
  74. Umm.....yeah nah DONT DO THIS
  75. T3 Half- cock issue
  76. Could it be so simple?
  77. Gun license stuff.
  78. Hunters Taking Responsibility for Safety
  79. Why do hunters continue to be accidentally shot?
  80. Only in America
  81. Fixing a safe to a concrete rib-raft floor
  82. Mail order firearm loophole??????????
  83. check your back drop.
  84. oh shit
  85. What on earth is she doing?
  86. Hearing protection
  87. Home renovation and gun licence
  88. What aren't they telling us?
  89. Needed: Gunsafe for 1350 mm long rifles
  90. What's wrong with this picture...
  91. Look out you F#*kers
  92. Safe Installation
  93. Im lost for words
  94. WTF
  95. Policeman shoots himself in foot
  96. Thoughts on shooting possums with a 300BLK?
  97. Mail order system
  98. Why frontline cops should be armed
  99. MSC and firearms licensing
  100. Knife attack @ UC Merced
  101. Nothing Is Taboo ... Except Gun Safety
  102. Media Firearms beat-up continues
  103. TV3 & Guncity mistake
  104. shootings
  105. Mistaken for game hunting accidents and human factors report
  106. Two Near Miss" safety incidents with the Sako 85 at a gong shoot
  107. Teo Near Miss" safety incidents with the Sako 85 at a gong shoot
  108. Licensing and mental illness
  109. AOS shooting -TVOne sunday program
  110. Travelling with guns in a motorhome / campervan
  111. oh bugger
  112. This question again
  113. Opening bolt before handling rifle.
  114. How long is the wait for police vetting?
  115. Couriering weapons?
  116. Trampers 'frightened' by unspecified proximity of hunters.
  117. What are these for?
  118. Drone firing a handgun
  119. Video: Bullet gets stuck in leg, but only just
  120. Lawyer accidentally takes pistol to court
  121. Internal richochet?
  122. Even Air Rifles Sting
  123. That answers that question!!!
  124. remington 700 receiver old quality control issue
  125. Russian roulette fail
  126. Courier
  127. Remmington to change trigger
  128. Not impressed.!
  129. Stolen firearms found
  130. Ashburton Rifle Range: CLOSED
  131. Hunting Aotearoa Today
  132. .243 ammo in a 7mm08
  133. The Law - any clarity?
  134. Mates just had his placed burgled
  135. 22LR bullet put a hole in my pocket - literally!!
  136. unlawful hunting and having a firearm without a licence
  137. Cannon Type Firearm?
  138. A category strong room
  139. suppressor failure
  140. Downwards or Safest Direction
  141. Firearm Storage Requirements
  142. Looks like a poacher was shot last night
  143. Gun Rack
  144. E-cat safe confusion
  145. Cartridge Belts
  146. Why some people should never have children...
  147. Spam - phishing attacks - not sure where to put this
  148. What I got from gunstuff as an email, police looking to charge for paperwork
  149. Securing an E-cat safe...
  150. Count the fails...
  151. Darwin is getting slow in his old age.
  152. Owing an A-cat AR-15 + a bolt action rifle with 'MSSA' features
  153. Our gun laws
  154. 3 things you never lend out....
  155. I know you should be careful what you wish for, but still.
  156. Change of Address
  157. E-Cat Firearms. Are you meant to remove the bolts when they are in the safe?
  158. Laugh or Vomit
  159. and this is why you dond leave un protected black powder near by when shooting
  160. 'mountain monsters' on animal planet.....wtf!
  161. nice and simple video on safety, applies to rifles as well.
  162. Network Security Camera Setup
  163. Sighting In
  164. jesus wept
  165. The Problem Girlfriend question.
  166. The 300, my story
  167. Wtf
  168. 100 Dairy cows Pb poisioned at Southland clay club
  169. The IRIS - a great Kiwi product, what do you think?
  170. Is a Change of Possession form what I need / looking for?
  171. Lock, Stock and Barrel in the South Island article
  172. OH Sh!t moment.
  173. Safer practices
  174. Picture and serial number recording of firearms
  175. nearly 300 sheep shot in north otago.
  176. Campbell Live Tonight
  177. Man gored by his pet stag
  178. Un safety habits taught at Gun City.
  179. Mountain Safety Council Firearms Course
  180. Gun & Ammo selling question
  181. Fire Arms Theft ..
  182. mythbusters, disco channel 1730 Wed
  183. American safes...In New Zealand!
  184. E endorsement Q&As
  185. Your eyes see what your brain expects to see ?
  186. Dropped ammo exploding
  187. Matawai Spotlighters
  188. The anti gun lobby
  189. Another one
  190. Oh no, not again
  191. Remington Recall
  192. police change if address
  193. Shooting Possums in trees
  195. Russians...
  196. To the Bastard !!!!
  197. Another 338 Lapua blow up
  198. Taranaki Hunters be warned
  199. Italian shooting season fatalities...
  200. What to do with safe keys/spare
  201. Safe near hot water cylinder
  202. Mt Wellington incident
  203. Teen wounded. shot in shoulder
  204. Importing a Sako
  205. Darwin Was Right!
  206. Free E's ..... we'll almost
  207. New Gun Laws, Free Standing Pistol Grip Question.
  208. Police Report just came in.
  209. Enjoyed a visit from the police today at my fav shooting spot!
  210. Getting an E-Cat safe
  211. Info regarding law changes? Where's the communication
  212. A gentle reminder ... ouch
  213. Safety Rule Number 8
  214. NZ Police Press release
  215. Air rifle target practice
  216. Hearing protection
  217. Aftermarket R93 and R8 Barrels – Major Safety Concerns
  218. IRIS hunter safety technology
  219. Rule 5 Failure
  220. "Edge" cat E safes on TM any good? pass AO?
  221. Firearms security
  222. Any updates on whats happening with the law change on MSSA's?
  223. A newbie with a licence question ...
  224. Point it right between my eyes - WTF?
  225. A sad day
  226. Good to see some common sense!!
  227. What's wrong with this picture?!
  228. advise please:-)
  229. Really? How hard is it
  230. Shots fired during chase
  231. Shot n the Bum !?!
  232. A less in gun safety from the professionals
  233. Whoa Gun City.....
  234. scatter gun like a pro
  235. NEW MSSA law ..?.......
  236. How young is to young?
  237. How to verify an airgun is unloaded ?
  238. thompson/ center recall AGAIN !!!! Via Deadeye dicks face book page
  239. Shots fired on the North Shore
  241. Home Security
  242. How stuped can you be ( facebook link )
  243. Home Burgulary
  244. Need some help please!
  245. Yet another shooting incident in the states
  246. Richochet!!
  247. Safe place to store ammo?
  248. Firearms License
  249. New law to be enacted banning pressure cookers in NZ you have to hand yours in now
  250. How Fucking stupid are some people