- Gun Control NZ Submission
- Firearms Licencing Team
- Where Do Crooks Get Their Gats?
- Disposing of expired license
- Heads up for those doing an online renewal.
- Arms Act 2025 consultation submissions
- COLFO interview on NewsTalk ZB this morning
- Police Clearance from overseas
- Discussion Document regarding Arms Act
- Hunting near a cycle trail.
- Fire Control
- Now wheres that last round i had ?
- How to immobilise old fiream to create safe wall hanging
- Which incident?
- not again
- Sentencing over thermal shooting death.
- Check The Register. Another Crooked Cop.
- Someone might be interested.....
- it can happen to anyone! Please be safe
- deceased estate guns
- Moving overseas
- Data Breach ?
- They walk amoung us...
- Oops!
- Gunsmith - triggering event or not?
- slap on hand
- Some commentary please . I have a gun cupboard .....
- Reminder: Submissions on Clubs and Ranges Closing soon - link in post
- Range Safety and steel targets......
- Advice on Installing a Gun Safe When Wall Nogs Don’t Align with Pre-Drilled Holes
- Separate Ammo Compartment in a Safe
- Query.
- Licence expiry - continuing validity
- At least someone's taking it seriously
- Firearms Safety Authority: Firearms Data & Public Information
- Follow up to pump action Dilemma
- Pump action rifles dilemma FSA making threats ?
- Arms (Shooting Clubs Ranges and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2024
- Renewing my license
- Another disappointing sentence
- Firearm License unrelated referee
- I hope this in not too political.....
- Thermal Optics under scrutiny?
- A heads up
- Otorohanga rifle range closed
- Help needed regarding a Gun Safe....
- ACT petition for hunters...
- Gun control
- Gun Shop Ram Raid
- New aussie Firearm rules
- Cahill vs McKie
- Police union squealing about being ignored
- An interesting video
- Rifle storage in your car?
- Is it okay to bolt my ammo safe on top of my gun safe?
- Import Permit for Detacahable Rifle Magazine
- Firearms licence times and card waits
- Times up
- Latest FSA video
- GCNZ, alpha carbines being lined up again.
- Ammo Tin Storage
- Small Retailers Struggling/Under attack
- Time taken to get assigned the "unique ID number" for Firearms safety course
- REnewinmg License.
- Firearms legislation policy opportunities
- Gunsmithing under threat?
- Clubs and ranges - consultation begins
- Colfo Announce Firearms Registry Review
- Fixing basic gun racks to studs
- Multi choice test when renewing license
- Firearm Legislation Progress.
- Shout Out To Firearms Authority
- fixing gun safe to walls
- Selling gun triggering event?
- Blaze clothing
- ReLicensing question - Section L
- Loaning or leaving a firearm with another LFO a triggering event?
- What's in your first aid kit?
- Change of address - How long does it take for police to come and do inspection
- Springer Airguns & Pigs
- Another Slap on the Wrist
- Changes to firearms laws in spotlight
- Carrying firearm on doc track
- Colfo press release
- Who is responsible/accountable??
- Chaz Forsyth in ODT.
- License Surrender
- Fit and proper. Be careful
- Interesting clip on gun/public safety
- Colfo trust & confidence survey
- GPS co-ordinates
- B & C cat firearms
- hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
- Have a new gunsafe who do I call
- Police permits
- Ammo Shortage Inbound
- What are the rules
- Hunter Shot
- Hunter Shot
- NZ Police to lose responsibility for firearms
- New government will rewrite Arms Act
- Rifle range in Hastings in trouble ?
- Ruger 10/22 out of battery detonation
- Fresh off the press...
- Club Broken into, Rifles Stolen
- 3 D Printers
- Mum shot at Police to help her kids escape arrest!
- Buy ammo online = activating event?
- Timely Comments
- Who the hell writes this stuff
- List of licence holders details found...
- Hearing protection?
- Kudos to Licensing- Visitors
- Another importing question
- Importing a firearm part without an import permit
- Change of Address requirements
- FSA Wasting money
- The FSA are chasing down the firearms of the deceased
- ACT firearm Policy
- First time interviews
- The greeny hunters
- Two FAL holders on one property?
- Firearms licence fees
- Some useful statistics from Nicole McKee
- Does a person need to do anything other than view a valid licence, to sell reloading
- Another fine outstanding piece of factual journalism
- FSA - data and human error. it's a recipe for disaster
- First firearm data leak didn’t take long
- Community safety?
- Key points for using the new online firearms system
- Is purchasing at an Arms auction an activation event for the register
- US citizen importing a firearm
- Field Ranges in NZ - Reduced Danger Area Example
- Rules for a strong room (NOT for endorsed weapons)??
- What needs to be registered
- Change of address
- Te Tari Pureke Presentation on the gun register to Antique Arms Auckland
- Looking for someone trustworthy in Wellington ( yes I know it’s difficult)
- USA experience re registration
- Firearms Safety Authority experience this morning
- Is this 'fair'?
- Words Fail me
- Gun violence in Auckland about to escalate !!
- Useing the firearms register
- FIREARMS REGISTER: A very interesting conundrum.
- just a thought
- Sour end to duck season 2023
- Dealer to Dealer Firearms transport
- Firearms Storage
- change of address
- PSA: Unnecessary Bureaucracy with Import Permits
- FAL fee increase date?
- Spring Airgun shipping within NZ
- Test passed, technically 28 but really it was 30!
- 24 June 2023
- Firearms shipping.
- Attempts to ban suppressors in the US
- ResQLink PLB Battery replacement - $50 off
- New website for arms
- FAL application turn around time frames
- Gun cabinet - questions
- going to uni
- Stewart Island police
- Two meters steel cable is enough?
- Firearms Safety Authority
- C2191 6mm steel safe
- Why bother with justice system?
- New police minister - please take a leaf out of Aust VIPER manual
- Police association reaction to submissions
- Inappropriate sentencing
- Ammo storage.
- Your own shooting range??
- Another shooting in New Lynn yesterday
- How to lose your NZ Firearms License?
- Complaint about Arms Amendment Regulations 2022
- Anyone have an upcoming inspection for FAL in Central Chch?
- Police arrest 2 for firearms offences - Feilding
- Just an interesting picture.
- Firearms ban in Western aussie
- FAL application interviews
- Raglan Area goose cull goes awry
- Firearms on Ferry
- Short NZDA survey
- Effectiveness of security cameras
- Thought I might post my response to NZ Fuzz consultation of licence costs.
- TV1 Breakfast Show
- Overburdened licensing department
- Feeling sick after reading this !
- surrender your FAL
- $590 for a permit to import
- "E-Cat" Safes being sold by Hamills Taupo
- FAL referees: just be sensible.
- Registry data security
- Terrible news out of Aussie today!
- Police survey form for COSTS
- A reflection and a reminder - Unsafe act
- Safety course e-learning practice
- License Renewal
- New firearms agency sneaks in...
- On Demand Security Guards - RESPONDA App
- Police recording serial numbers
- Wow, that's an exceptional achievement.
- You'd have to be keen to fire one of these...
- Change to expired license laws
- Shopping for Gun Safe enquiry
- Load-Action-Instant
- Wife's Renewal
- 300 Rounds go missing
- FAL renewal interview
- Transporting Ammuntion
- Interesting clip on TV news tonight...
- Firearms Licence Application Update - 4 October 22
- One up the spout
- Gun Safe Upgrade
- Update from Nick Taylor
- Alberta Governor sticking it to Trudeau
- Interesting document
- Question re Licencing interview & Storage when Arms will never be present in a flat.
- COLFO News # 5 September 2022
- travelling with a firearm
- NZ Information Security Manual
- The letter about a renewed FAL comes to his GP.
- Fair Go segment tonight - Police lost a Colt revolver...
- Your thoughts ?
- Firearms Registry Consultation Open
- Suppressors - one size fits many? - is it 'safe'?
- Latest from Police via FCAF
- Extra Cabinets Inspection
- Panelbeater narrowly avoids Armageddon
- FAL question
- Moving the gun safe
- Greek Brass Quality
- Call to End Firearms Advertising.
- cops and firearms
- Reload data on internet
- New FAL waiting time
- Was a bit of a worry how many failed the test...
- Another stunning decision by the judiciary, wtf.
- 3D printed Glock
- 23 drive by shootings in Auckland
- firearm transport storage conditions
- Cable Gun Lock
- FAL Renewal
- Rules for non-FAL airgun storage?
- The am show this morning
- Police called out for Duck shooting
- Importing Firearms
- Pogo on National radio
- Home invasion
- Issues with police submission form