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  1. Gun Control NZ Submission
  2. Firearms Licencing Team
  3. Where Do Crooks Get Their Gats?
  4. Disposing of expired license
  5. Heads up for those doing an online renewal.
  6. Arms Act 2025 consultation submissions
  7. COLFO interview on NewsTalk ZB this morning
  8. Police Clearance from overseas
  9. Discussion Document regarding Arms Act
  10. Hunting near a cycle trail.
  11. Fire Control
  12. Now wheres that last round i had ?
  13. How to immobilise old fiream to create safe wall hanging
  14. Which incident?
  15. not again
  16. Sentencing over thermal shooting death.
  17. Check The Register. Another Crooked Cop.
  18. Someone might be interested.....
  19. it can happen to anyone! Please be safe
  20. deceased estate guns
  21. Moving overseas
  22. Data Breach ?
  23. They walk amoung us...
  24. Oops!
  25. Gunsmith - triggering event or not?
  26. slap on hand
  27. Some commentary please . I have a gun cupboard .....
  28. Reminder: Submissions on Clubs and Ranges Closing soon - link in post
  29. Range Safety and steel targets......
  30. Advice on Installing a Gun Safe When Wall Nogs Don’t Align with Pre-Drilled Holes
  31. Separate Ammo Compartment in a Safe
  32. Query.
  33. Licence expiry - continuing validity
  34. At least someone's taking it seriously
  35. Firearms Safety Authority: Firearms Data & Public Information
  36. Follow up to pump action Dilemma
  37. Pump action rifles dilemma FSA making threats ?
  38. Arms (Shooting Clubs Ranges and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2024
  39. Renewing my license
  40. Another disappointing sentence
  41. Firearm License unrelated referee
  42. I hope this in not too political.....
  43. Thermal Optics under scrutiny?
  44. A heads up
  45. Otorohanga rifle range closed
  46. Help needed regarding a Gun Safe....
  47. ACT petition for hunters...
  48. Gun control
  49. Gun Shop Ram Raid
  50. New aussie Firearm rules
  51. Cahill vs McKie
  52. Police union squealing about being ignored
  53. An interesting video
  54. Rifle storage in your car?
  55. Is it okay to bolt my ammo safe on top of my gun safe?
  56. Import Permit for Detacahable Rifle Magazine
  57. Firearms licence times and card waits
  58. Times up
  59. Latest FSA video
  60. GCNZ, alpha carbines being lined up again.
  61. Ammo Tin Storage
  62. Small Retailers Struggling/Under attack
  63. Time taken to get assigned the "unique ID number" for Firearms safety course
  64. REnewinmg License.
  65. Firearms legislation policy opportunities
  66. Gunsmithing under threat?
  67. Clubs and ranges - consultation begins
  68. Colfo Announce Firearms Registry Review
  69. Fixing basic gun racks to studs
  70. Multi choice test when renewing license
  71. Firearm Legislation Progress.
  72. Shout Out To Firearms Authority
  73. fixing gun safe to walls
  74. Selling gun triggering event?
  75. Blaze clothing
  76. ReLicensing question - Section L
  77. Loaning or leaving a firearm with another LFO a triggering event?
  78. What's in your first aid kit?
  79. Change of address - How long does it take for police to come and do inspection
  80. Springer Airguns & Pigs
  81. Another Slap on the Wrist
  82. Changes to firearms laws in spotlight
  83. Carrying firearm on doc track
  84. Colfo press release
  85. Who is responsible/accountable??
  86. Chaz Forsyth in ODT.
  87. License Surrender
  88. Fit and proper. Be careful
  89. Interesting clip on gun/public safety
  90. Colfo trust & confidence survey
  91. GPS co-ordinates
  92. B & C cat firearms
  93. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  94. Have a new gunsafe who do I call
  95. Police permits
  96. Ammo Shortage Inbound
  97. What are the rules
  98. Hunter Shot
  99. Hunter Shot
  100. NZ Police to lose responsibility for firearms
  101. New government will rewrite Arms Act
  102. Rifle range in Hastings in trouble ?
  103. Ruger 10/22 out of battery detonation
  104. Fresh off the press...
  105. Club Broken into, Rifles Stolen
  106. 3 D Printers
  107. Mum shot at Police to help her kids escape arrest!
  108. Buy ammo online = activating event?
  109. Timely Comments
  110. Who the hell writes this stuff
  111. List of licence holders details found...
  112. Hearing protection?
  113. Kudos to Licensing- Visitors
  114. Another importing question
  115. Importing a firearm part without an import permit
  116. Change of Address requirements
  117. FSA Wasting money
  118. The FSA are chasing down the firearms of the deceased
  119. ACT firearm Policy
  120. First time interviews
  121. The greeny hunters
  122. Two FAL holders on one property?
  123. Firearms licence fees
  124. Some useful statistics from Nicole McKee
  125. Does a person need to do anything other than view a valid licence, to sell reloading
  126. Another fine outstanding piece of factual journalism
  127. FSA - data and human error. it's a recipe for disaster
  128. First firearm data leak didn’t take long
  129. Community safety?
  130. Key points for using the new online firearms system
  131. Is purchasing at an Arms auction an activation event for the register
  132. US citizen importing a firearm
  133. Field Ranges in NZ - Reduced Danger Area Example
  134. Rules for a strong room (NOT for endorsed weapons)??
  135. What needs to be registered
  136. Change of address
  137. Te Tari Pureke Presentation on the gun register to Antique Arms Auckland
  138. Looking for someone trustworthy in Wellington ( yes I know it’s difficult)
  139. USA experience re registration
  140. Firearms Safety Authority experience this morning
  141. Is this 'fair'?
  142. Words Fail me
  143. Gun violence in Auckland about to escalate !!
  144. Useing the firearms register
  145. FIREARMS REGISTER: A very interesting conundrum.
  146. just a thought
  147. Sour end to duck season 2023
  148. Dealer to Dealer Firearms transport
  149. Firearms Storage
  150. change of address
  151. PSA: Unnecessary Bureaucracy with Import Permits
  152. FAL fee increase date?
  153. Spring Airgun shipping within NZ
  154. Test passed, technically 28 but really it was 30!
  155. 24 June 2023
  156. Firearms shipping.
  157. Attempts to ban suppressors in the US
  158. ResQLink PLB Battery replacement - $50 off
  159. New website for arms
  160. FAL application turn around time frames
  161. Gun cabinet - questions
  162. going to uni
  163. Stewart Island police
  164. Two meters steel cable is enough?
  165. Firearms Safety Authority
  166. C2191 6mm steel safe
  167. Why bother with justice system?
  168. New police minister - please take a leaf out of Aust VIPER manual
  169. Police association reaction to submissions
  170. Inappropriate sentencing
  171. Ammo storage.
  172. Your own shooting range??
  173. Another shooting in New Lynn yesterday
  174. How to lose your NZ Firearms License?
  175. Complaint about Arms Amendment Regulations 2022
  176. Anyone have an upcoming inspection for FAL in Central Chch?
  177. Police arrest 2 for firearms offences - Feilding
  178. Just an interesting picture.
  179. Firearms ban in Western aussie
  180. FAL application interviews
  181. Raglan Area goose cull goes awry
  182. Firearms on Ferry
  183. Short NZDA survey
  184. Effectiveness of security cameras
  185. Thought I might post my response to NZ Fuzz consultation of licence costs.
  186. TV1 Breakfast Show
  187. Overburdened licensing department
  188. Feeling sick after reading this !
  189. surrender your FAL
  190. $590 for a permit to import
  191. "E-Cat" Safes being sold by Hamills Taupo
  192. FAL referees: just be sensible.
  193. Registry data security
  194. Terrible news out of Aussie today!
  195. Police survey form for COSTS
  196. A reflection and a reminder - Unsafe act
  197. Safety course e-learning practice
  198. License Renewal
  199. New firearms agency sneaks in...
  200. On Demand Security Guards - RESPONDA App
  201. Police recording serial numbers
  202. Wow, that's an exceptional achievement.
  203. You'd have to be keen to fire one of these...
  204. Change to expired license laws
  205. Shopping for Gun Safe enquiry
  206. Load-Action-Instant
  207. Wife's Renewal
  208. 300 Rounds go missing
  209. FAL renewal interview
  210. Transporting Ammuntion
  211. Interesting clip on TV news tonight...
  212. Firearms Licence Application Update - 4 October 22
  213. One up the spout
  214. Gun Safe Upgrade
  215. Update from Nick Taylor
  216. Alberta Governor sticking it to Trudeau
  217. Interesting document
  218. Question re Licencing interview & Storage when Arms will never be present in a flat.
  219. COLFO News # 5 September 2022
  220. travelling with a firearm
  221. NZ Information Security Manual
  222. The letter about a renewed FAL comes to his GP.
  223. Fair Go segment tonight - Police lost a Colt revolver...
  224. Your thoughts ?
  225. Firearms Registry Consultation Open
  226. Suppressors - one size fits many? - is it 'safe'?
  227. Latest from Police via FCAF
  228. Extra Cabinets Inspection
  229. Panelbeater narrowly avoids Armageddon
  230. FAL question
  231. Moving the gun safe
  232. Greek Brass Quality
  233. Call to End Firearms Advertising.
  234. cops and firearms
  235. Reload data on internet
  236. New FAL waiting time
  237. Was a bit of a worry how many failed the test...
  238. Another stunning decision by the judiciary, wtf.
  239. 3D printed Glock
  240. 23 drive by shootings in Auckland
  241. firearm transport storage conditions
  242. Cable Gun Lock
  243. FAL Renewal
  244. Rules for non-FAL airgun storage?
  245. The am show this morning
  246. Police called out for Duck shooting
  247. Importing Firearms
  248. Pogo on National radio
  249. Home invasion
  250. Issues with police submission form