View Full Version : Trial, Pedigree and Bird Dogs

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  1. English Setters for sale
  2. Rip Falco
  3. Nice Photo
  4. Gone..........................but not forgotten.
  5. Trial Reports.
  6. Game bird over time for.......Hares
  7. One for Rushy
  8. Working cocker x springer pups for sale
  9. the Glencuan Team in alphabetical order.
  10. Dogs busted !
  11. "Pet insurance "
  12. Gsp wanted
  13. An interesting one-liner...
  14. Pease see the GWP teatowels in Buy, Sell and Swap
  15. Please see our lanyards ad in Buy,Sell and Swap
  16. Hunting Aotearoa Thursday 9:30
  17. Some may be interested
  18. Cracked Claw
  19. New Hebrides and Vizslas...cool vid...more dog cam work...
  20. Finally letting him go....
  21. Crouch! , set !, engage !
  22. Briar bushes vrs dog
  23. Medical misadventure
  24. Mighty mix Dog food
  25. What the ....??????
  26. Deutsch-Drahthaar NZ JGHV Seminar
  27. What's needed for a trial?
  29. Retriever training dvds
  30. Another lanyard...
  31. Teaching NO !
  32. Dogs sore paws
  33. Our English Setter arrives
  34. Water retrieve training...
  35. Shit The Bed
  36. Cocker pups
  37. Reading material
  38. Another lanyard...
  39. bird launchers
  40. My last dog couldnt swim so now i need a new one.
  41. What dogs see...
  42. Muppets
  43. Whats going on here ?
  44. Pedigree Black Labrador Bitch wanted?
  45. Where to find a Brittany?
  46. So you want to breed a litter.
  47. Rough cover
  48. Dog movie
  49. Forever puppy
  50. Pointing training
  51. Yet another lanyard...
  52. WARNING ALGAL BLOOM...it gets worse
  53. Sheep Measle Certificate...
  54. Easter P&S Wild game trials
  55. Expressions of interest; Pointer for sale
  56. Iditarod
  57. Versatile hunting dog test
  58. working dog certification
  59. Sorry!
  60. Retrieving training questing ?
  61. looking foward to the season..
  62. dog psychology books
  63. Controlling Your Dog: Birds Galore Equals Sensory Overload
  64. Bird hunting question...
  65. The Setter Breed
  66. Cynabacteria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  67. Dog food analysis
  68. Serious Question
  69. Breeding and its finer points
  70. What bollocks is this?
  71. Last one for awhile...
  72. dog commission on crystal glass
  73. Dog Trials results and thoughts
  74. Braided...
  75. What do I do?
  76. Too hot to be outside so thought I would
  77. QC, Rough Shooters and Natural Game Trials
  78. Labradors in NZ for shooting and hunting
  79. Article
  80. Bird Dog Beer
  81. Nice retrieve.
  82. I didn't know labs and setters were closely related!!!
  83. english setter pups aussi
  84. Dog shipping
  85. Dog training problems and answers
  86. German tests
  87. "This is all your fault"
  88. Dog projects
  89. Gun Dog clubs
  90. Teaching Check List by Age
  91. import partnership
  92. Pointer and Setter Trials
  93. What to breed to
  94. importing Frozen Semen i
  95. Llewellin Setter breed
  96. dog numbers
  97. English setter pups
  98. Dog getting out to far.
  99. proper pointers
  100. Working English Springer wanted
  101. German Short haired pointer
  102. Gundog clubs??
  103. Training a ESS
  104. English Setter for Stud
  105. Anyone got a copy of Dr Mortensons bird dog book?
  106. Red Letter Day for the Young One
  107. Cesky Fousek's
  108. Working vs. show