I was told 24gr of BM2.
Settled on 23.7gr being a 65gr sierra GK. Exceptional accuracy and killing power.
I was told 24gr of BM2.
Settled on 23.7gr being a 65gr sierra GK. Exceptional accuracy and killing power.
65gr Sierra requires 24gr BM2 outta T3 8 Twist. Point. All dead.
How did the 25grn load go with these @TeRei ? Im using 25.3 BM2 with 62 grn Norma for 3180 (20"). Good accuracy. Primers are a touch raised around the firing pin dent otherwise look ok. Am using 25grns with the 62 Maker and primers look very happy. Seems to be a good powder with this weight.
Harvey was a hoon. I wouldn't be surprised if he rode a Harley or owned English Pointers.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Yesterday the older dog ran across the river and nailed a stilt chick in the blink of an eye. Put up 3 cocks and 2 hens on way back. Just never stops. Catches and kills regretably waxeyes in mid air in the back garden. Climbs into the mandarin tree and catches sparrows. Self training all year around. The beauty of the bike ride is that the dogs keep constant on flushing pheasants not just during the pheasant season. They suffered in the HB heat.The river provides relief. It has been wicked the last 2 days.
24 - 25gr of bm2 seems very popular
For target work that may be true, my best hand load 26 gr 2206h and a 55 gr sierra gameking shoots .4 moa and the belmont .7. For hunting within the 223s ethical range the belmont is way accurate enough and not that much more expensive than the sierra projectiles alone.
+1 for bm2. Done well in the 3 223s I have used it in, with 55gr pills.
25 grs BM 2 / 55gr Hornady SP/WC good for me.
My standard load has been as follows:
CCI 400 primers
26.6gr of Belmont's ARP 747 powder (its what they use in their factory loads... and its cheap!)
55gr Hornady SP pills P/N: 2226B (because they're cheap and because they're consistant at putting down game)
2.230" seating
Giving me outstanding grouping in my sons 22" Tikka and better than factory grouping in 2 other rifles that like them.
Just worked up a load for my new 5.56 Ruger Ranch Rifle in a Brownells MDT chassis.
25.5 gr 2208
69 gr Sierra Tipped MatchKing
Remington 7 1/2 primers
OAL 60.94 mm still miles away from the 5.56 lands using AI mags I used as little as possible of the bullet to support it in the case mouth, tried shorter groups opens up.
2670 fps in a 16" barrel.
SD 14.3 using ex military LC brass Lapua may improve this but its not a 600 yard plus so good enough for me.
One ragged hole at 100 yards.
Best groups loading one at a time when I use feeding from the mag the group opens just a little, it would appear the projectile is being rattled about in the case mouth loading from the mag no crimp.
The best AR load I had was 25 gr 2208 and 62 gr Barnes TSX mag length a tad expensive though.
Anyone used TMK"s on wallabies ?
As per the reloading book start low and work up as per the reloading guide.
Last edited by xtightg; 19-09-2019 at 03:14 PM.