Dillon Super swager. Done excess 10k military over the years. Bullet proof.
I just use a Stanley knife. A sharp knife will do it. There Is knack to it but works fine once you get the hang of it. 200 might be a trench tho.
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
thanks for the help and ideas guys. ill stick with the deburring tool and try to get it right.
I just use an RCBS chamfer tool to do the job after depriming/resizing/trimming. Chamfer case mouth and primer pocket. Sort cases according to brand/lot at same time if mixed brass. Doesn’t take long to do a hundred cases or so. Cheap and works for me.
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
I use both swagger and pocket unifier, beware some of the primer pocket aren't centered in these type of brasses, which is a pain to load primers. some old lake city brasses are pretty good and people pay good money for them
Lyman makes a case prep tool kit it has all the gear you need to prep cases including the crimp remover, as long as the primer pocket is flat on the bottom
you are good to go, the chamfer has no effect on the seating of the primer.