I'm sure they would be fine in 1.12 twist. I think much heavier than that you will struggle to stabilise but the 62gr should be ok.
I'm sure someone else will be able to help for sure, someone posted a graph on another thread which shows the best weighted pill for each twist rate.
You may need a different powder charge though.
When hunting think safety first
I can stabalize the winchester or federal factory ammunition around that 60-64grn weight...never seen the need to go heavier than 55grn so havent experimented .
75/15/10 black powder matters
its dead easy.....put the flat end on your cleaning rod.....put a projectile in a non sized case with just enough grip to hold it there,leave it long...chamber it by hand and push if t forwards till projectile is jammed into rifling...slip your cleaning rod down barrel and mark it at muzzle...take out the dummy round....slip rod back down untill it touches closed bolt face... that will tell you distance from rear of case/primer to tip of projectile...not hard to work it out from there....you can use a flat base projectile backwards too....doesnt give you any more info...... you know what your jam length is and work back from there....well fancy pants reloaders do...I on other hand just seat to mag length and are happy...
75/15/10 black powder matters
Just get a Hornady case length guage, comparator and a modified case.
I used to do the cleaning rod way but its not very accurate.
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or.....hacksaw a slit in neck of a case...seat projectile in slit case.....chamber round..the projectile SHOULD slip back in as being pushed by rifling...take it out..measure it...do it half dozen times.....take your average measurement and call it the jam measure ment...make it however much shorter you want to be from rifling.......load up a hundred rounds then realize the loaded rounds are now 2mm too long to fit in magazine LMFAO...
75/15/10 black powder matters
nah not me...now dannyb....thats a different matter LOL... ducking as the jandles come flying (you seen the size of Dannys feet??? you would duck too,like mini surfboards)
Im about as opposite to a component waster as you could get...Ive been known to boresight rifle,and go hunting and still neck shoot deer with single round then go home again....I am getting better these days and do try to shoot at least 3 holes in paper to confirm zero....try mind..sometimes it still doesnt happen,might be why Ive been missing LOL.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I have witnessed guys shooting hundreds of rounds and spending thousands in the name of accuracy and when they finally find it they never go out hunting. Gun just sits in gun safe.
Sometimes you are better off to just go hunting
When hunting think safety first
Don't get too tied up in trying to be such and such off the lands. Knowing Jam length is handy to stay right away from, may even be irrelevant as your mag may not allow it.
What you really need is a 22 cal olgive gauge and measure off the oligive of you want repeatedly accurate ammo as it's small adjustments around this that can produce startling results.
You might be 40 thou off, you might be 120 where another node is and you don't even need to know that but just to be able to accurately measure your length of bullet repeatdly accurately so you can record your results and improve or repeat an accurate load. You also need to consider the size of the bullet that you aren't trying to seat it out ridiculously long relative to case, if that makes sense?
I think in an earlier post think you mentioned copying oal off some factory ammo that shot well in your rifle, this is a good idea as ammo makers know their stufff and if using same projectiles is often a good start.
Last edited by jackson21; 29-08-2022 at 10:50 PM.
File from years ago Tikka 1/8 twist.
i only use the 69tmk these days, no need for anything else, from goats and magpies/plovers, to shooting tiny groups on steel plates at 700+yds, bloody brilliant little pill.
26gn of 2208 up its bum running @3080fps
quick 5 shot in the wind yesterday at 330yd
God only made a few perfect people, the rest shoot Right Handed...