Well be nice to know.
If I dont find the targex any good I might try to get some of these.
Still have a half dozen reloads from years ago that had these.
Well be nice to know.
If I dont find the targex any good I might try to get some of these.
Still have a half dozen reloads from years ago that had these.
Tried some more loads in my 243 yesterday and got pleasing results. A week or so back I tried a load of 40 grs of AR 2209 with the 95 gr Noslar BT, accuracy was good at 17 mm @ 100yards but was a bit slow at 2896 fps. Yesterday I tried 41grs of 2209 with the same bullet and got a two fold increase, faster at 2940 fps and a 14 mm three shot group.
I now have two good loads using the 95 gr bullet, one the SST the other the BT, velocities are about the same as are the group sizes. the Noslar shots at 23/4 inches high at 100yds the SST 1.5 inches high so both usable without altering my sights.