Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
What jump.are you using?
Nobody using IMR 4350 ? my local often has it in stock so been using that and quite happy.
I'm running 2209 behind 90grn eldx 25tho jump it's getting 3100 out of a standard tikka, it shoots tighter than I can.
would have thought anything over 95 gr is getting a bit heavy for 4350 powders.
I used to use supreme 780 with 105 gr then when i could not get that i moved to Reloader 26 and now shoot 108 gr eldm's.
lots of new powders around that have given the old 243 a lift in speed, 55 gr at well over 4000, and 115 gr at 2970 and older 100 gr loads at >3100 fps.
nb, that just hodgdon standard loads not someones custom hot loads, have not started on the Reloader or other brand familys.
ed Aliiant are claiming rl26 is pushing 100gr bullets over 3200 fps.
Last edited by ZQLewis; 24-09-2024 at 10:36 PM.
Tikka T3, Sierra 100gr Gameking, 44.8gr of Reloder 23 and 3001 fps. Very accurate load.