@csmiffy I have 303-25 dies but no 303-25 rifle
I brought them to help form 303-22 Brass for a rifle that was offered to me
The offer is hanging out there but the vendors expectations are unrealistic
Massive case, slow twist barrel. Means ultra fast speeds and ####ed bore
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Simplex do dies not too pricey
Data for the 303/.25 is sorted by action type. Rear locker/SMLE and P14 / front locker.
Velocities for front lockers is similar to .25 savage. 87 at 3000 fps, 100s at 2800-2950 fps.
Powders in the 2206h, W748 to 2208, 2209, W760 burn rate range.
Rifles are about over here but demand is low. I’d rather a .25 sav on a kurz Mauser than a 303/.25 on a SMLE if I was going to get all nostalgic.
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A "Kurz" Mauser is a short action (only produced as sporting rifles by the Oberndorf factory), originally chambered in 250 Savage etc
Ian at Hardy barrels says they'll have 1:7 twist 257 cal barrels going within a few months . . . . Hmmmm
@Tentman I guess the fangled modern Stainless Steel only ?
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Is yours a chrome moly?
I have had an itch to build a 25 souper have the dies but never got round to it . This new 25 creedmoore does seem to be just a modern version of an older wildcat souper . Might be an easier way to scratch an itch though.