Interesting results with RE26… how much more speed would you be getting over RE17
Interesting, my rifle Tikka 284 22in TF bbl - I hit pressure at around 56gn RL26, Nosler brass 3.220 COL ( 20 thou jump) running at 2700fps.
@chainsaw, ok my just touch oal with 180 eldm is right on 3.3", and I was running an oal 15 thou off that.
What brass were you using? That might also account for some differences. Maybe some batch difference in RL26 ? A reminder for all of us to approach reload loads with caution.
While speed at 2700 is not as high as I’d like it did produce very tight groups. However all up I think I’ll stick with 162AMAX in 284 and save my stocks of 180s for magnums.
Yes very very true, always take others powder charges with a grain of salt and always work up from a few grains lower. Brass, chambers, throat lengths, powder lots, and even actions in some cases can affect where you will find excess pressure.
I was using new Winchester brass.
And i agree, i am also going back to 162's in the 284, mainly because of the twist of my barrel. (Standard tikka barrel) The 180's shoot mint at shorter ranges, but the stability is marginal out at 1000 yards. So i'll stay with the 162's in this barrel.
Following with interest. Have a couple of pounds of RL26 and some berger 168s to try in the short barreled Tikka
Let us know how you get on @Blackfern pretty much what I'm wanting to try once I get my 284win barrel.
Looks like I'll be trying to get a couple of bottles of re26 next time it's available
LOL....Thats why when I saw a couple of containers of it on the shelves I brought it. As it suits my .284. The accuracy is pretty good.. and the animals don't like the 150gn projectiles going 3000 out of the 19" barrel too much!