There was an interesting comment from @No.3 that the 3006 won't do anything the 7mm08 won't do. In fact, the 165gr 30-06 is almost the ballistic twin of the 140gr 7mm08 ! Just 20% more bullet weight and kinetic energy.
Here are some figures for factory ammo.
With the Sako ammunition, I had to compare two different shape bullets and with the Winchester their 3006 was actually 168gr.
The Winchester Ballistic Silvertip numbers give the clearest comparison and the bullet is the same as the Nosler Ballistic tip we all love.
So, it seems true that the trajectory of the 165gr 3006 is pretty much the same azs for the 140gr 7mm08. Same drops, same wind drift.
Its only when it reaches the deer that you'd expect to see a difference.