And you need to learn that the best way to minimise the effect of a dig is to ignore it
And you need to learn that the best way to minimise the effect of a dig is to ignore it
Last edited by Sidney; 07-05-2013 at 08:26 PM.
I spose this is time for Hitler to jump in..
L.R. - you can now join the group of those that have to play nice.
If you want to make something out of nothing - then here's your membership card.
If you don't understand the principals behind the group you can ask those in it or PM me.
It's not once sided or playing favorites as you will find those in the 'club' all got the same message.
Cut the petty shit out between the 'teams'
Everyone else involved seems to grasp the idea to date - you can too I hope.
Ill now goose step off to the fridge for another beer...
I'll contribute nicely to this thread now I just got back from a wee play. . .
I got given a 338 edge to have a fiddle with after it wasn't performing so well. . . . . It had nice components and was put together well who ever done it, all I done was true it up (action, grind the recoil lug etc), re space it to suit and give it the once over, bedding was good had 2thou in it rings where straight etc after loading up his 'pet load' he was given up the range sight in 2 shots and fuck this. . . . . . . .
Told him I would give it my special treatment. . . . . .here is same components and 4gr MORE powder them before for a extra 120ft
Don't worrie about creators to much as rem actions firing pin holes are always bit big.
Is this the rem brass is comment?
Top photo is 12thou head expansion. . . .
Bottom is 1 1.5 over 30 rounds.
For sake of it pet load was 96gr, 2225, 215 primer, otm seated at 3.97"
New load is same but 100gr an 4.05"
Looking forward to comments and thoughts?
Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
Just gotta get it off my chest.... Wingman is a gay name for a chambering, Blasers are for pussies and only bogans own .300 Rums
There, ive said it
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
No experts to the above?:confused:
I would say the pet load would be hard on primer pockets to. . . . . . Finding harder brass is trying to hide anything push the fact something is bloody hot and pushing beyond what it should. . . . ..
Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
Y were u already shooting that load abe? We already. Know thats a hot load.. 94gn is about max with the edge with 2225 itspikes very quickly in the 338 edge.. you should know that!!! You also have to back off a fair bit from shown pressure if you want to get any caselife at all with your brass.. what looks to be a fairly safe load can actually be quite high pressure it just doesnt show!!! You can get over 3000fps with n570 too but while it looks ok its really not!!!
Must be something to do with the hard remington brass? Large chamber dimensions pushing a big bullet? Maybe the pressure is diverted out through the larger surface area of the chambering making it harder to see???
What speed did u get to with 869? 3000 as well?
Abe, my take would be, by extending the length of the loaded round you have increased the volume in the case and therefore reduced pressures.
Here is a link to a Brian Litz article which is good
Not sure where you're going here. A hotter load with less pressure? It has been AI'ed (improved in length or capacity) or it has been fired down a smooth boreYou have increased OAL by 8 thou so I cant see that being a major diff?
But I dont use big homo guns so wouldnt know if it is possible.
Whats the point your trying to make. I am a bit lost.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.