My bush pig is an Interarms Mark X with a .308. barrel cut to 16”. I think. It has a Gunworks suppressor.
My initial load was a 125 accubond with H335 powder. I used H335 because I had it left over from my 7/08 bush pig.
I wanted to work up a 150gr projectile load because it would hold energy further than the 125 and I wanted to use a cheaper projectile.
I couldn’t find any 2206H or 2208 so bought some more H335 and worked with that. The projectile I could find was a 150gr Hornady SP.
I loaded single rounds with 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 gr H335, Federal large rifle primer
I shot them over the chrono 41 gave 2267fps, 42 gave 2280 43- didn’t shoot because I bulged the shoulder seating the projectile, 44 gave 2478, 45 gave 2539.
None of the loads showed pressure signs.
I then loaded 3@45gr and 3@45.5gr.
I shot the 45gr first at 100yd. Group size was around 2”. Then shot the 45.5gr and got a 0.879” group
The awesome thing was it is 2.5” high and 1” right of the 125 accubond 1” zero. So I loaded another 3 of the 45.5gr load, moved the scope 3 clicks left and shot a 0.839” group. Final average velocity is 2560fps.
The 3 shots around the group are from the 45gr load.
So new load worked and sighted in with 14 rounds.