I’m running 46 GRS with a 165 sgk. Approx 2780 according to my chrony. I was thinking I was already pushing my luck - I usually don’t run at book max - don’t see the point. What’s another click or two? Shoots very well (22” sako).
52 grains is case capacity to top of neck, so 46 should be the practical limit. If you must have more speed or powder capacity a 3006 reamer is the answer, after all the 308 is just a 3006 that didnt eat its veg when it was little.
I use 49 grains, but it is quite a fine powder
I run 46gr of 2208 with sierra 165gr HPBT in my tikka t3 308 with a 16.5" barrel, 10 shots into 0.6" @ 100 is the best group but consistently shoots tight. Need to chrony it as really curious to see speeds so i can work out my drop chart.
Did a live test yesterday with the dog on a goat and needless to say the exit wound was pretty brutal albeit the shot was only 30-40m quartering away. Happy that it opened up on a small animal though rather than punch through it.
Yeh my accuracy was at 44.6 of 2208 with the 165. The 165 is also the accurate weight for my finnlight.
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Dan M
@Gibo i do have access out to that distance so was thinking could do a drop chart and somehow figure out speed that way if possible.
Only issue is my scope is a 2.5-8 so getting sufficient zoom at 400y on a 1" target may be an issue?
Going to work in yards as scope has the B&C reticle.
Mate its pretty easy. Set up a tall target at say 300 or 400 thereabouts but you need to know the distance via rangefinder, make sure your zero at a hundy is spot on, now the target needs to be about say a metre to be safe, draw a dot about the size of a golf ball up near the top of the target board, do not dial and aim 3-5 shots at that dot, once done, measure the distance in inches from the dot to the centre of your group. Twiddle with a ballistic calculator until the drop in inch at that particular range matches and waaalah you will have your muzzle velocity . Thats all a bit mixed up but will get you there![]()