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  • 1 Post By 260madman

Thread: 6.5 Creedmoor points of reference

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2024
    Driftless Region USA

    6.5 Creedmoor points of reference

    I ran a couple of different loads through my X-bolt HCS yesterday. I like using the 100gr Nosler BTs for deer in my 260s and finally had some come instock so grabbed 500 of them. I loaded up to 41.5 gr of IMR 4064 but started with 40gr. 40gr clocked at 3093fps and 40.5gr seemed to be the most accurate at under 1” at 115 yards shooting improvised positions. These loads are above Hodgdon data that’s current but my loads came from an old book and the powder is from the same era so if using current powder I’d start lower.

    Second load was 123gr Amax with 39.5 gr of Varget. I could have probably gone higher but am happy with the 2850fps and sub inch groups. My wife shot them and then proclaimed the rifle is now hers so her M7 260 will go down the road.

    Rifle season starts next Saturday so fingers crossed the weather is decent for 4 or 5 days of the 9 day season.
    trooper90 likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    I recently purchased a Sig Sauer Cross in 6.5 Creedmoor to scratch an itch. Sighted in rifle and checked range drops with off the shelf 120gr Nosler Ballistic tips. Thought I’d look for an animal or two while out and about. Luck was in, nailed a yearling red at 325m and la bit later on two goats at 682 and 726m. All fast effective kills. Happy with that. The scope, GPO Spectra 4-16x50 certainly makes aiming easy.
    At NZNRA range yesterday I tried off the shelf 147gr ELDM Hornady at 3 & 500 yards, only +•2 mil different from ballistic tip load so happy with that. Can’t wait to start reloading for this caliber. Good luck with your hunting. Can’t imagine the pressure of a 9 day rifle hunting season, we’re lucky over here in that we can hunt all year round.



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