Thanks @chainsaw for the suggestion of bronze brush and boretech eliminator.
I did a usual clean with hoppes (minus bronze brush because I didn't have one). Then I went out and got a bronze brush and some boretech eliminator. Ran a couple of wet patches through (first one was bright blue/green). Let it soak for a bit, then ran a couple more wet patches through (blue/green again) and gave it about 10 pass throughs with the bronze brush. Then put a couple more patches through (see below for colour) until they were coming out pretty much clear, then ran about 10 dry patches through.
There is a notable difference even just looking down towards the rifling. What was once grey, now appears to be silver. And what was once matte is now gloss.
Hopefully this has fixed the issue, but to be one the safe side, I will definitely start low and work up, rather than going back to the loads I knew worked well in the past.