I have a box of 50 new adg 7mm saum brass also!
I have a short Saum wildcat described in page 4 in here wildcat appreciation thread.
It's a fair bit of work to get underway, and you need good quality soft brass. I agree with previous posters that if you have a short action where you can seat out to he lands from mag-loaded rounds then sticking with the Saum would be the go. Something like a rem 700 short action with a wyatt mag box might do it.
I'm going to build a second saum as I love caliber. I'm thinking it needs to be different to my standard long range dial up saum so might run monos with a small bdc style scope.
Probably hammer hunter 143s and Barnes lrx 145 that I have on the shelf
Isn't a .284 not a short action?
Adg hands down, hornady is average, norma is extremely soft. Bertram has been pretty good also on my experience.