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Thread: 7mm08 120 grain VMAX loads

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Back in the olden days i sent lots and lots of 120gr 7mms deerwards. They worked great.
    Normal cation applies, my load has always been 46.5gr AR2208. ADI book states 45gr max.
    I only shot one sika with the 120 Vmax. all of the bullet exited but in bits. The 120gr Hornady SP was the most used.
    The soft point always impressed me. It would do all sorts of damage and still exit. In close to 100 kills i only recovered two!
    One from a big boar that smashed both shoulders and one from a red shot lengthwise.
    Another bullet that went well was the 130gr speer hotcore which became my goto 7mm08 bullet.
    These lighter bullets shoot great in my three 7mm08s and with their lighter recoil they are well suited to younger or female shooters.
    Tahr likes this.



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