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Thread: Adjusting neck resizer?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Adjusting neck resizer?

    I bought a neck resizing die. How far down the neck should I resize?



  2. #2
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    The rimless cartridge will headspace on its shoulder, which is not affected by how far down you neck size.

    Rimmed cartridges similarly unaffected by neck sizing for reasons of headspacing on rims.

    If you only size part of the neck, then you need to size at least as far down as you want it to support the bullet bearing surface.
    Tahr likes this.
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  3. #3
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    I usually resize the neck to within 1-1.5mm of the shoulder junction. The neck tension is a fairly important factor, if you want consistent ES etc. I recently did a test with changing the neck tension with my Redding S type bushings. I varied 2 lots of test loads by 0.001" neck tension and on average I attained a 20fps increase with a 0.001" tighter neck and a lower ES. This was on a small cartridge, my 6x45.
    Tahr, GWH and mikee like this.

  4. #4
    GWH is offline
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    Bruce, when neck sizing i normally only size 2/3's of the neck, leaving that last 1/3 unsized can in theory help align the neck/bullet better into chamber/bore, and in theory improving accuracy.
    Tahr, mikee, Dama dama and 2 others like this.

  5. #5
    When i neck size i size as far down the neck as the dia of the bullet makes it easy to remember and works for me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Good thoughts on neck sizing here...I have gone back to fl sizing or partial/bump sizing.

  7. #7
    Member Dead is better's Avatar
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    Last year i was a no neck size + bump die fan. Cycled the brass to 10x and only then did 4/100 have insufficient NT to grip the projectile. NNT barrel chamber tho. BUT this year im getting the best results putting the brass through the FL die with no expander (it does less NT than my type s. Then i set the actual NT on a mandrel die.

    Tiny bit of mica dust on the shank of the projectile. Feels 100% consistant seating thats for sure. Better than dirty inner necks anyway. I honestly cant feel any variation so i guess thats as good as can be without going full nerd and measuring every projectile and every neck. Gotta be some lines you wont cross. One could go mad doing this



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