Where do you get your tempilaq from Zimmer ?
Where do you get your tempilaq from Zimmer ?
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
You say there maybe inconsistency with no machine, most likely. but how long does it take for you to register the temilaq paint is up to temp and stop the timer?more to the point you need to know why case annealing is effective and in yoyr personal situation whether its beneficial to the reloading process yiu use. Can any of you tell what a work hardened case feels like going thru the die?
ive annealed some 500 cases or more of various calibre and never had an issue with overheated brass, I have the tools although a crude method is the outlay of such machines worth the 5 % ( random figure) benefit in utmost consistency?... and as ebf pointed out unless each and every case is dimensionally the same then this might as well be a 308 vs 708 discussion
Heh @ebf post #69 :-)
i have to disagree with your statement! Doing it by hand has a far beter change cooking your cases than a machine. Its like building a car by hand it takes ages and you make far more mistakes that the machine ever can unless your set up was wrong; You don't need any skills to set up Auto annealing Machine
I anneal after every firing, then go harvest deer.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Good point but for target shooters they want to hit the bull every time which is much smaller that the kill zone on deer.
Normally cases will last about 10 shots maybe more before they start splitting.
annealing your cases regularly will make them last about 30 shots each so if you make that same calculation its a totally different story
Guys all i'm trying to say is by annealing your cases more regularly is not a bad thing does not matter what your application is or how you do it.
ebf if you are interested i want to send you my Demo model to use next time you do annealing and give us feed back (You cant keep it you have to send it back when you are finished )![]()
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
I only bother annealing after 3rd firing. They 'feel' pretty similar when seating projectiles within that cycle so why bother doing it every time?