My rcbs thrower gets within 1/2 grain and i trickle in over the top of my A&D. Works pretty quick and it registers every kernel
My rcbs thrower gets within 1/2 grain and i trickle in over the top of my A&D. Works pretty quick and it registers every kernel
I use a lee thrower for convenience and because I got it with my Breech Lock Challenger Kit. I took it apart first and "coated" every bearing / sliding surface with a HB pencil which made it run slick. Mounting it on a decent board is important or it seems flimsy out of no-ones fault but your own. Benchrest quality throwers are not mechanically different except they may have baffles in the powder reservoir to avoid heavier charges being dispensed when the reservoir is full and vice versa, see the diagram below. And some powders just meter better and easier, ball powders being the classic example.
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| <| <-- Baffles to avoid powder column pressure variations due to different fill states of thrower powder reservoir.
Not sure if it's worth doing this with a smallish reservoir like the Lee thrower, maybe with very dense ball powders.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch