Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
My friends load is 45gr IMR4350 for 3256fps.
Ryan, I used the 80gr TTSX in my .243 Win a good while back now. Very effective at closer ranges - drops good sized deer no problem - but it sheds velocity quite quickly and once past about 250m its a bit hit and miss with expansion. Low 2000s impact velocity and its not that flash at all. Not particularly great in the wind either, and if a couple of inches too far back they were zipping through goats without much damage. Below ~150m then the TTSX is in its element (high 2000s impact velocity) but IMO there’s a lot of much better bullets to use if the majority of your shots are >150m in our typical open country type conditions. I went back to the Sierra ProHunter because on the one property the average range was 150-250m shooting across the gullies, and the lead bullet was more effective by a good margin.
With the short barrel I would probably go for the 85gr GameKing.
We have used them on reds for annual spring early summer meat raids. They are brutal when fed hard. On more than 1 occasion my son has shot 2 reds with 1 bullet. They are zipping out of the barrel.At 300m you can see the trail.If you miss vitals the deer just stand there. They are a scary pill. Probably on a par with 53gr Barnes when similarly loaded up.
Under estimated caliber the .243 my go to load is 100grn SPBT with 32.5 grns of 2208 works well on reds out to 300yrds
Loving the 90gr ELDX in my 243. Super accurate and good performance on fallow and red hinds to date. Using 44gr 2209 for 3160 fps 22" bbl. seated 20 thou off lands.
Used 85tsx in my m7 @ 18in killed well never shot anything over 250,you dont retrieve many bullets though
Picked up some of the 85gr TSX and got to work on them today. 45.6gr Superformance gives 3140fps from the 18.5” barrel and stellar accuracy in fact it shot under an inch all the way from 45.3gr to 46.5gr in .3gr increments but the 45.6 really tightened up. I actually had a chronograph malfunction (think I got too close to the muzzle) on that load and it only showed 2800fps so I loaded up some more to chrony them again and they shot a tiny little raggedy hole group again so job done on the wee 243. Should be a pretty handy wee rig super easy to shoot and weighs 2.9kg with the suppressor and z3 on it.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
thats how a twoforfree/EBRG is supposed to shoot.......good shit bud,enjoy it .
Very nice, go the mighty 243
That would be an ok only one rifle for all seasons - but that is not in your nature. Or mine.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
I must say I very much enjoyed loading for it and shooting it and it’s a joy to carry. The new Creedmoor got one day of load development and then it’s been put away and hasn’t seen the light of day again yet. I’ll dig it out if and when I get bored with the 243 and it will be like getting a new rifle, but already paid for![]()
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles