Havent gone down the rabbit hole far enough to begin annealing. Only hoping to reload the brass I have 4 or 5 times then I'll splash out on some norma
Havent gone down the rabbit hole far enough to begin annealing. Only hoping to reload the brass I have 4 or 5 times then I'll splash out on some norma
So I am discovering!!
Just food for thoughts, if you really want to know what you are doing or intend to do about "reload or hand load" read the following link till the end and you will understand what addiction is... No joke, you will find out why many of us spend too much money in "reloading"...
Reloading and handloading, what is the difference?
And if u have o.c.d. It must be a wonderful hobby!
A top quality beam scale can weigh powder to a kernel if you are carefull enough
Hmm ok, judging by all the comments I'll make do with my lee beam scales. Just set up the reloading table this morning so now gotta empty out some brass to reload!
I was thinking more like an OHAUS scale..much more accurate than the Lee
Yeah but lee is what I have!
Good beam scales are hard to beat...can be sensitive to drafts though...as all scales can be. I use an RCBS chargemaster and calibrate each time. The pace of reloading has increased dramatically but it has not added quality.
Ahhh, drafts well that buggers up my ideas of the perfect round! Can see through the gaps in my walls, 'look ma there's daylight'