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Thread: Bullet casting and reloading for 308 and shotgun

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Bullet casting and reloading for 308 and shotgun

    I have access to a good amount of scrap lead and thought i might give bullet casting a go if it is worth while. I plan on making bullets for 308 subs and shotgun slugs/shot but not sure it is worth the effort? With the 308 Can i avoid using gas checks if i only load to subsonic velocitys? And will a 150-180grain sub be suitable for big game?

    I cant seem to find any moulds for #2 or #3 shot,are they available anywhere? Is shotgun ammo still economic to reload these days? If someone has a press they no longer use id be interested.

    Cheers, Matt

  2. #2
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quite a few threads on casting bullets on here but your best reference is probably the castboolets forum google it as i dont know how to do links.
    In summary, yes you can get away without using gaschecks up to about 16 -1800fps with harder alloys, yes 150-180 grn casts are suitable for deer its shot placement after all.
    You wont find shot moulds only solids, shot is made by pouring a stream of molten lead from a great height into water. I have made it as an academic exercise and got good round pellets but all sizes as the speed you pour determines the drop size, also climbing on the roof with a pot of molten lead is frowned upon by the mrs and osh.
    Reloading solids is worth it definitly. Should also add that bullet casting is very theraputic and addictive, you will shoot more and really get to know the rifle/s you cast for.
    Then you get interested in bigger cals, buy a 45/70 and start casting for that, .
    This will inevitably lead to the discovery that black powder and big cast bullets are the holy grail, and your vouyage to the dark side is complete.
    P38, Tertle and Frogfeatures like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    If you want to avoid gas checks get a mould that is designed as a plain base moulds cut for gas checks don't shoot very good with out them, for sub loads get a HP or a large flat point
    some custom mould makers will make moulds with different cavities so you can get a mould with the same bullet in PB and GC, plain base bullets are only good for 1400fps which is more than enough
    for hunting, a good bullet design for hunting is the Lyman 311291 it is very popular in the US can be shot in 30/30 7.62x39 .308 30/06 I have shot it in the .303 with good results,
    Scrap lead is ok it will probably need some tin added 50/50 solder is a good source one stick to 10 kg of lead is usually enough for sub loads hard lead is no use it won't expand with good bullet lube
    leading is not a problem, making shot is a waste of time and with out a 20 metre tower to drop the lead the quality is rubbish, casting slugs is quite good depends how many you need if it is worth while.
    P38 likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    I have figured out that its easier to forget about the casting and buy bullets from you shooternz so i can go hunting instead of playing around in the shed!
    MrSly likes this.

  5. #5
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    send your lead to Robert as he "is the man" when it comes to making good projectiles...Im sure you can wrangle a deal for some made up projectiles in return LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I like being stuck in the shed stops me going to the pub

  7. #7
    Member dave-m's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Robert AKA shooternz makes awesome projectiles. I use to cast my own 308 projectiles. But it is alot easier to buy them from Robert!! Having a continual supply of the same lead is the biggest problem. You cant just grab any old lead for each batch and expect them to all group great in your rifle and perform on game etc

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Bay of plenty
    If you want good molds then consider NOE as they send to NZ. They do a full range and most are offered as 5 or 6 cavity. Titan reloading also offer the lee molds whiz will get you going. They also sell the sizing kits and Allox which you will need to use (tumble lube).

    If you don't want to use gas checks then make sure you get flat based molds.

    Good luck and remember to flux your melt



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