I'm thinking I can fire form up some brass with a sizer die less the decap stem
Screwed into a suitable action that's 7/8-14 thread
Screw the die down on to the bolt face
Screw down the die lock ring
Fire form away with good ear protection
I'm thinking I can fire form up some brass with a sizer die less the decap stem
Screwed into a suitable action that's 7/8-14 thread
Screw the die down on to the bolt face
Screw down the die lock ring
Fire form away with good ear protection
Clearly the LE bolt action is no use despite being 14 TPI the barrel shank is greater than 7/8"
But a smaller action could be re tapped to take dies
Or a genuine 7/8-14 receiver thread action used
This might be a dumb question, but why not just fire form them in a action with a barrel chambered in the cal you are trying to form ?
Genuine question, no idea if its possible or safe
Just a thought, are dies not reamed slighty tight to allow for spring back ? Again I'm no expert just bouncing ideas
When making custom chamber reamers I would like to be able to fire form new brass in the dies that will be used for the rifle chamber cut with a chamber reamer sized from those cases
Not all chambers are created equal
Fire formed in dies or fired cases from another rifle sized sizes in the dies you have.
Measure very accurately a number of cases and get the specs for the chamber reamer you want to make
Allowing for the bore diameter and bullet and case mouth thickness and diameter to be sure the case will let the bullet go
Robbie T modified a 303 to fireform .30 Gibbs and .25 Gibbs by screwing in a die and going "bang". A little fast powder and a wad. Way more convenient than faffing about the regular way, especially with oddball/awkward cases.
So what standard action uses a 7/8-14 TPI barrel shank ?
So if you already have tools to cut chamber...just cut one in a lump of steel with required bits...nah scratch that.make chamber inserts for bakail.only needs to be die length.job done
75/15/10 black powder matters
Maybe you could turn the thread on a sacrificial die. Bush it if required.
Maybe find a p14/17 action as the thread size is up over an inch. Nice strong bolt/action and more meat for a bush
I even have a rooted barrel you can have to make the adapter from if you have an action.
Between the P17 and P14 bolts you could theoretically do this with nearly everything based on the 3006 and belted mag head size
I would do a long bush so the die would be enclosed heaps. I know you aren't shooting it per se but still
You will need to make up a spacer to set the die the depth from face to top of the shell holder of the bolt face but you knew that.