I had 8 oz of Eastwood Super Gloss Clear powder coat arrive this morning.
I had read on line that it went on as a white powder and cooked to clear.
I'm looking for a traditional bullet look from PC
So I cast 120x 44 cal bullets
I put them through a sizer and then tried the Super Gloss Clear and it coats really nicely.
It cooked ti clear almost instantly when it went into the oven.
SGC PC looks great and is almost imperceptible from an uncoated bullet.
Will look perfect as a PC old school looking bullet
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
That's how bullets should look. Now I've got a toaster oven once you say they work as well as the blue I'll be away
@Marty Henry I will have to start charging for R-N-D
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Just got this SPANZ 577-450 mould
Put a small pot through to just see how it casts and get a weight
Measures .463" and weighs 423 grain in pure lead
Now I have
SPANZ mould
Spanz brass
Magtech brass
Everything but a 577-450 sporting rifle
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Beautiful, one of them but fark me they are heavy
darmowe sprawdziany do pobrania https://sprawdziany.com.pl/
Got the SPANZ brass in 577-450 and 577S plus the rifles.
I used a 45 cal Tony Hawkin's bullit, paper patched. It shot superbly.
Unfortunately I never owned the mould but have recently picked up one on Tardme. It is however a different weight to my original. Have yet to try.
Yeah I'm using H1000 in the 7x57R and 30-40 US no5 rolling blocks because I can run a 100% full case of relatively slow powder
I get modest velocity with low pressures in what are strong safe vintage rifles.
But they are genuinely rare and there is no need to push them for Lazer flat trajectories when the sights are not capable of hitting a deer beyond 100m
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter