The case 50% full - is that a thing? Never heard that before, and the 9.5gr TB load I'm using with the 175gr Sub-X pills in the .308 is definitely not a 50% case full load???? I was of the impression that the fast powders like Red Dot, 700X and TB were position-insensitive and fast enough to not present a danger of too much surface area exposed to the primer's flame. The issue with the minimum loads as far as I was aware related to the slower powders with heavy deterrent coatings that needed to held back against the primer in a column to ensure that the powder was not lying flat on the bottom of the case exposing a lot more surface area to the primer's flame. I was of the thinking that the fast powders were basically all ignited near instantly in the loads we are working with for subs, and the danger was more a case of the near vertical pressure curve spiking too high too quickly and producing a dangerous amount of pressure near instantly, or a pill stuck in the barrel with insufficient pressure (not enough powder). It's the fine line game between not enough, and too much...