Hey guys, my son shoots 6.5 Grendel and has done for a couple of years. We pretty much worked up a good load with the 123g SST which was easy to get good accuracy and have pretty much gone hunting since. It has accounted for everything from magpies, to lots of goats with no complaints..... However, he recently shot a nice spiker which was lying down about 70 yards away and well below us in a creek bed, a nicely placed shot and it died instantly and never even moved. Again, we never found the bullet (so we thought) but after cutting up the heart at home for lunch (yes he loves that ! ) to our amazement there was the projectile, which was cool but only a shredded copper jacket remained and no lead core. Is that normal ?
Anyway........made me think this bullet is obviously capable but as he gets older (15, going on 16) and wants to shoot more deer maybe we should look into an alternative projectile ? (I appreciate the grendel has limitations but we would like to stick with it for the mean time, since he's very confident with that little rifle.)
Cheers, pete