10 shots for sd really IMHO.
any spreadseet will do sd.
I got this,
I am mostly happy with it but seems to err2 a bit too much but that might be me. Postage from Brownells by cheapest is about $45US I think, so around $180US.
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"
Spend 7 hours using it today for 200 odd 223 rounds, and experimented a bit more. My conclusion is, you need to keep the bullet in the lower half and fairly close to the centre line or it will err2 or err3. It doesnt like a big muzzle blast ie 3000fps off a 308w, but 2450fps off a 303brit or 2700fps off a 223 no problems works every time. So either it would have to be positioned further away or buy something else for bigger calibers / magnums, for what I paid though and what I use it for I am happy with it. It connects to a smart phone to give SD etc via the 3.5mm sound jack.
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"
recently repaired an "edy" chrono, what a load pf c**p
Actually, I'm wrong, you can get a free stats app for your phone
Seemed to me an easy thing to inc at push of a button.
So I took your guys advise and brought a MagnetoSpeed, tried it last night and man is it easy to use bloody great buy.
So if any one wants a Pro-chrono Plus I have one for sale.
Congratulations on the purchase! Where'd you get it and how much did you pay if I may ask? Was it the sporter or full version?
Hi WillB got it from Wilson's in Wanganui I did email MS in the states but they wouldn't sell direct now and put me onto NZ agents. And when you work out the cost, if you got hit with gst which is highly possible it gets pretty close to what I paid.
I paid $899 for the full version.
I have a 35P and I brought a MS V3 recently , I did not think the MS V3 would be as good as it has turned out to be , its very quick to set up and very small size wise compared to the 35P , and the accuracy is on a par with the 35P from what I hear .
The 35P suits using on your own range , and basically leaving the stands/mounting points up etc , as it does take time to set up on the tripods etc , so for someone who does not own their own range the MS is much more suitable in every way .
Just be aware thier is a sensitivity setting , which you need to change from std jackets to say lead bullets , like 22LR etc for it to be able to read the bullets .
I am not ruling out the doppler radar jobbie , but at the moment its a bit too new & buggy , give them sometime and it should mature into something good , hope they make it capable of being ON all the time with a external power supply , over the way it operates now .
The export version of the LabRadar may never be worth the money due to them having to limit the power of the radar over the domestic model such that downrange velocities available are limited to only a relatively short distance from the shooter. The MagnetoSpeed is the best chronograph by far out of the 3 types I have owned to date. The final straw for me with the optical types was one of those days when light conditions were not optimum for optical chronies (even with sky filters) and my CED was telling me my 22RF was doing 3300 fps every third shot whilst a mates 35P wasn't picking up every one of his shots. Plus the day to day variability of optical chronies even when they are working "OK".
Still got hope for my Superchrony. Don't think Canada, Oz and NZ are getting downgraded one. MS probably is easiest to use, just shoot a confirming post-MS group to ensure properly on target.
I take it these magnetospeeds are no good for use with a suppressor?
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!