I do know where the funding is from and where it goes.
I'm an elected councilor and have served on our Regional Land Transport Committee.
I can show you roads that deteriorate daily during the dairy season due to HPV milk tankers that don't get worse through the winter.
HPV heavy transport vehicles are visibly damaging roads that were never built for them, but have been approved for them.
I disagree that the rate of fuel excise and RUC is enough to fund our roading network. It isn't and it is reducing in proportion to the costs.
I know what it costs our council to fund our share of our local roading costs.
As a council we put in extra ratepayer funds above what receive a FAR rate for from Waka Kotahi (NZTA) to try to keep up with the maintenance.
More funding is required. Where should it come from?
General taxation, paye & business taxes, ratepayers or increased RUC?