very pleased we managed to fix repayments recently....give us 5 years of breathing space....and hope like heck by year four have better idea of whats ahead.
very pleased we managed to fix repayments recently....give us 5 years of breathing space....and hope like heck by year four have better idea of whats ahead.
I did a bit of a stock up on 223 and 308 factory ammo. I didn't go full on prepper mode, just enough so that I could still hunt (don't use much ammo for that) as the Buffalo 223 hasn't been available in Taranaki for a few months. But I did feel guilty doing it; even though it was only about 100 rounds of each. I know that if the Buffalo and Sako ammo runs out I have to go through all the hassle of sighting in again etc, and that just uses up more ammo!
I would take component shortage one step further, and have a look around the house at anything that may need replacing in the next year or so (fridge/freezer/washing machine etc) and have a plan. Availability of all sorts of shirt appears going from bad to worse
There is no denying that there is less of it coming into the country and that what is coming in is costing more to bring in, but I also wonder how much the hoarding factor is contributing, About a month ago I bought some hornady 150gn rn for something close to the old price (about $70 from memory) developed a load for such occasional use that the remainder of the packet will probably last 18 months or more. I recently watchlisted a packet of the same projectiles on tardeme. I planned to buy them if the price remained at bargain levels. They went for $186.
In the meantime they are still showing as available from Reloaders and Gunworks for $75 and $72 respectively.
@Cigar I have a box of CCI 250's I would trade for standards if thats what you need.
Thanks for the offer @johnd but I’m okay for primers.
I know a few people are having trouble getting hold of some, and I was interested to see if what was actually in the shop matched what the website said.
I have these to sell or trade if they get someone going due to shortages
Two are full unopened
One RL25 is very nearly full
I doubt I will ever be building another over bore got rod modern rifle
Intel this arfo. Steves Wholesale expe ting 20tonnes later this month. Likely in retail before xmas.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Unless another company outbids him on his container. Thats whats been happening to all companies. The shipping companies are causing chaos across the board
Tried to buy some powder on Tardme the last few days, not at this price though.
Guncity are expecting a shipment of ADI powder late this month.
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
my backup for this situation is a rifle I load with ap70, i have enough power for 700 rounds left and i cant find any .44 mag bullets anywhere, but i can cast my own lead bullets too
i think i can do the same with a .303 as well, i should get mold. cheaper than a box of jacketed bullets.
Last time I was in Hunting and Outdoor supplies in Carterton they had about five boxes of Hornady 240 xtp. This would have been about three - four weeks ago.