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Thread: Digital reloading scale

  1. #31
    AR7 is offline
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Hi Andy if you reload 25 acp .1 of a grain makes a hell of a difference Cheers

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    New Plymouth
    I bought the exact one a few months ago and they are awesome. Very accurate & reliable. I checked calibration and sensitivity many times against my Ohaus beam balance scale and it was more sensitive to the single kernel of powder. My previous electronic scale was 15 years old and started giving me trouble and I have retired it. It was a cheap TradeMe one.

    Quote Originally Posted by bjp View Post
    I picked up a cheap AliExpress one for around $40 shipped to see what it could do. Now I find I still use my Lee balance scales, but weigh to just under on the budget digital ones (fast) and then tip into the Lee scales and add the last few grains. Noticeably quicker than just using the Lee scales. Not sure if that is of any use. With any precision digital scales, they can be susceptible to wandering when trying to add very light changes in weight, and also to temperature, so work best if you can keep it in the room you use it, and work at a constant temp. From what I have heard/read, the cheaper digital reloading scales, say $150-200 or less are no better than the $40 AliExpress ones I have bought. (this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005...57bc1802NpcRfd)



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