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Thread: Do you clean your primer pockets?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    Greetings All,
    I thought this thread would go the way of cleaning primer pockets. Only Tentman owned up to not cleaning them and Gigar only cleaned them one time out of three. There have been a few tests in the US that failed to find any benefit from cleaning primer pockets (it takes many rounds for a definitive result) Bench rest shooters in the US don't usually clean them. They also don't full length size their cases or even size them at all. I can't imagine them putting their precious cases in a tumbler either. Do I clean my primer pockets? Yes I do because I like to. If you like cleaning them too go for it. Just don't pretend that it makes any difference. I use a small screwdriver. I have tried other tools but always gone back to the screwdriver.
    Regards Grandpamac.

  2. #32
    Member stagstalker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    North Island, New Zealand

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Many years ago my mentor told me to clean the primer pockets so I do. I use a RCBS primer pocket cleaning SS brush which works well. If you have ever rubbed the dust that comes out of spent primers between your thumb and finger you will know that it is very abrasive. This isn't surprising as ground glass is added into the primer compound.
    Southcity likes this.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I am just now in the process of not cleaning pockets, just to see what diff it makes.
    Its gonna take a while to find out though, not muchee bang bang at the mo.



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