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Thread: Federal large primers

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    I'm wondering if any of you boys have had any problems with Federal mag primers sitting proud of the brass when fully seated
    Last night I decided to try and find another load for my 7mm rem mag but found the Federal primers were sitting proud and when put into the chamber
    the bolt won't close the head space is very neat, has anybody heard whether Federal have changed their depth of the mag primer
    as the older primers I've had for 10yrs fit
    I use Norma brass and the primer sockets are the some as the older brass

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Since doing my last post on the primers I got to and done some checks and balances with the bullets in mention
    After thoroughly checking my rifle wasn't at fault I then pulled all the bullets and removes all the primers from
    the ammo in mention and found out that most of the primers that protruded out past the shell had little raised areas
    as if they hadn't been trimmed in the factory the raised areas were so small you almost needed a magnifying glass to see them
    The thing is only about half of the box of primers were like this the other ones were ok
    So took the box back to the gunshop and they replaced them no fuss
    The shop owner said it is the first time he had seen that in 35 years of trading it also is the first time I have come across this type of
    problem in primers
    So problem solved may never come across that problem again hopefully


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    What as the manufacturing code on the box of faulty primers?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    What is the manufacturing code on the box of faulty primers?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    @rigga. I have had the same problem with 215m primers in my 300wm. All the cases have had pockets uniformed. All my different batches of Norma brass is notched on the heads to tell me how many times it has been fired and one batch of brass is a slightly darker color, even after tumbling. And those cases are always hard to seat primers without a little protrusion of the primer.
    I have done comparisons of primers with the same load in my 270 and federal were 80 FPS faster in velocity than the cci. Both were large magnum primers.
    I’ve had a few cci not go off before. Never had a federal miss fire

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Rupert mate I don't know I didn't look at that it didn't dawn on me at the time although now you mention I should have
    Dumb move not to

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Yeah Cowboy06 it wasn't that they wouldn't ignite my headspace is fairly tight and when the bullet was home
    in the chamber the bolt wouldn't close and I wasn't going to force it so I checked them and found the primer protruding out
    I had just gone to a new box of primers so I should have checked the first ones of that box but didn't '' Bad move''
    I did have some trouble with cci 200 a few years ago so went to 91/2 rem but I put the trouble with the cci 200 down to using a hand primer
    tool because I still have that rifle and now use cci 200 or 91/2 in it with no problems although I prime with my press now and it seats the
    primers right in to touch the bottom of the pocket where as the hand tool didn't
    I have used Federal for years and never had one not go off I mainly use them in my 7mm rem mag and quiet happy with them

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    If the rifle is fairly new perhaps that where the problem is. like a speck of dirt stopping the fring pin . Or cartridge is loose in the Chamber and moves forward. ShoUlder sized too for back ?

    Like others I've fired a few thousand, handled every Single one and never had a misfire.



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