Hi guys!got my hornady lock &load, trying to reload some 270 win. i've chosen the hornady sst130 gr, any suggestions on what powder to choose?
Hi guys!got my hornady lock &load, trying to reload some 270 win. i've chosen the hornady sst130 gr, any suggestions on what powder to choose?
AR2209 and AR2213SC are the go to powders for .270 in NZ.
2209 is probably better for the 130gr bullet, particularly if your barrel is 22". If you have a 24" barrel or using heavier bullets use AR2213SC.
Ultimately you'll need to experiment, but I know what its like starting out when you don't want to spend to much!
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
As already stated, 2213SC is a good choice for the .270 Win.
I have mostly used ADI 2209 with excellent accuracy but have just moved to Hodgdon Superformance with the Hornady 145gr ELD-X projectile.
AR2209 for the 130's in a 22 length barrel. AR2213SC would also work well. Should be able to get the 130's going well over 3000fps with good accuracy.
Pretty sure my 140gr Noslers averaged 2890fps out of a 22" barrel with 58gr of 2213. Should get around 3000fps with 130 gr I would have thought.
u use ar2213sc is my 7mm rem mag, consistent powder though it doesnt measure vary well in the hornady powder thrower. so always!!! measure and trickle to be exact.
Ah wicked info.. just what I need if I ever get mine done.
Try Superformance, with the 130 gr SST you should get pretty good velocity. I use it with the 145 gr ELD X and get 3114 fps average. As Superformance is slower burning than AR 2213 SC use charges under the max for AR 2213 SC and then work up a safe load. One thing to remember is Superformance is more sensitive to temperature variations so what might be ok in winter may be a bit hot in summer when temp's are higher. Accuracy with my load was a enlarged one hole group at 100 yards for three shots. In a standard Tikka T3 with 22 inch barrel.
2213 all the way..... if you want a hard hitting load try some 150 grn partitions...you can get 15 in a sample pack.
speer projectiles are nice n soft so expand very well...and do damage to meat if shot isnt quite right.....
hornady plain jane projectiles shoot straight and dont cost the earth.
thanks a lot for the infos, i've picked up the ar2209 today, see how it goes.
N560 is also a great powder for the 270, current load for me is 57gr N560, Federal match primer, 150gr SGK, could be a bit warm in some rifles but shoots lights out in my Sako 75 at about 2870fps
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Adi 2209 with adi website data. Works great, no need to push it hard.
Try the hodgdonreloading site. They will give a number of loads. Remember that ADI make a number of the Hodgdon powders. ADI 2213sc = H4831 ADI 2209 = H4350