I taught myself to use it back when I had no clues at all about reloading. I still consider myself a beginner reloader and still use GRT look forward to see what updates they bring to the platform.
I taught myself to use it back when I had no clues at all about reloading. I still consider myself a beginner reloader and still use GRT look forward to see what updates they bring to the platform.
Happy Jack.
yep , i use it all the time . I understand it very well , and the results can be very accurate . I shoot 7mm prc
you will also need a way to measure velocity . Be pendantic about doing all that is nessary to get results . Meaning you will need to measure "fired " case volume , carefully weigh and measure projectiles , carefully seat projectiles and measure final cartridge overall length, knpw the twist in your rifle, no the barrell length , and rifle weight . basically a fair amount of careful measuremt of everything about what you are upto . the reward will be extremely reliable ammo.
I cannot seem to find any 7 PRC data in the files. I just started using this. Are you able to direct me to how to find the 7 PRC cartridge data files?
7mm PRC is too new to exist in GRT. GRT hasn't gotten an update in a long time now.
You can create it manually using the built in cartridge designer though. I've done this for a couple of wildcats. Someone has no doubt done this for 7mm PRC already and exported it to a file. If you can find that, you could import it to your copy of GRT.
Resident 6.5 Grendel aficionado.
Or have a look on the Discord channel, someone has probably already created & uploaded it.
In saying that, I tried using someone else's file for Magpro powder and got wildly different results than expected, so use with caution.
I just downloaded the Gordon reloading tool . I am not able to change the units of measure from meters / second to FPS etc. How do I do this?
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
Under the view tab, select change all units to
Happy Jack.