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Thread: Help Tearing rims off when reloading 223

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Turehu View Post
    Bugger I chucked the shells .
    Because the cases had only been fired once it was a neck resize only. No problem going down. halfway up it got a bit tight and the case popped out of the shell holder munting the rim. I did a "wobble" test on a couple of other sized shell holders, 8mm, .303 and found that the cases didn't wobble near as much as the 223. Yes it was the correct shell holder, No4. Conclusion, poorly finished resize button and a sloppy shell holder. Am now the proud owner of an RCBS shell holder, and yes it is tighter and no more problems.
    Surprised no one commented on the disappearing bullet. It was to say the least a WTF feeling. Did we just murder an innocent sandfly?
    I did notice my Lee 223 shellholder is excessively sloppy as well compared to my 308 and 303brit, I was thinking of replacing it, now I will definitely will.
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  2. #17
    Member Cyclops's Avatar
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    In the Mainland
    Interesting discussion.

    I am reloading .223 Norma cases, have about 400 cases now into 3 use of these cases.
    Rifle is a Savage Model 12 .223 with 1:7 twist, Norma cases, Winchester Small Rifle Primers, 24.7 gr 2208 with 80 gr A-Max projectiles.

    I use a lee press and lee shell holder and haven't seen the problems described, only neck size the cases.
    I do lightly lube the inside decapping/neck sizer before use, don't lube the cases, doing about 100 at a time.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    ...didnt snap my pin fortunately...
    Don't worry, you will one day and then you can join the club !
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  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I snapped 1 x 308W (berden primer) 2 x 303brit pins (no idea why, tough crimps? glue?) last year so that makes me a free life member I reckon.

    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  5. #20
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    Dec 2012
    @Cyclops I suspect Lee's idea of quality control is fix it if the customer complains. What I was noticing was the case flopped so bad in the holder it cocked so I had to guide by hand a lot. Anyway I've ordered a 223 rcbs holder off gunworks at the same time as ordering the rcbs de-crimper. I'll comment on how it feels when I finish off my 300 odd batch.
    Carpe Diem and Cyclops like this.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  6. #21
    Member Turehu's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=steven;343680]I snapped 1 x 308W (berden primer) 2 x 303brit pins (no idea why, tough crimps? glue?) last year so that makes me a free life member I reckon.

    Yep, snapping a pin is like forgetting to put the bung in the boat, until you've done it you are a nobody.
    Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see

  7. #22
    Member marky123's Avatar
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    I got some lead shot out of a 12 ga shell and put it in a small plastic tube with some graphite.If you dip every 3rd or so case mouth in it really helps the expander come out.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    I just drag my lubed finger across the opening to get some inside.

    and of course then there's case sizing as well.

    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  9. #24
    Member marky123's Avatar
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    Are we talking about the same thing.........?

  10. #25
    Member Carpe Diem's Avatar
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    I had a similar situation (but not as pronounced) Issue with my Lee 7mm Rem Mag full size resizing Die in the Ultimate set (with de-primer) recently.

    Instead of the pulling off of the base of the case it bent the base at the point where the hydraulic action places the main level of strain on the case holder. It also created due to the finish of the inside of the die longditudinal marks down the case ( I don't think it was finished that well). Result was I kinked around 70% of the cases as I pulled them out of the die even when lubed, and some where so wobbly that they would not seat and allow the bolt to close on the chamber.

    Expensive lesson to check new dies and progressively cases you are processing throughout the process including and side roll and wobble test on their end. Ended up binning about 70 rounds and use the neck sizer now as a result.

    Hope this also helps anyone out there to clean and check new die sets with your firs batches of cases through them.


  11. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    RCBS shell holder seems tighter but not hugely.

    De-crimping is slow work....100 down, 250 to go....

    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"



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