I don't buy anything in bulk so no savings made on projectiles or primers bought at ~2000 a time.
I dont count the cost of the brass as I kept the winchester I had before I started reloading ~2000 of them and over the course of a year it has gone to ~4000 just by picking up what others are not. So brass is free, if you shoot 9mm.
Rusa @$136 delivered. I have shot about 3000 of the x-treme hollow points which are a lot more expensive and dont notice any difference on the scoreboard for IPSC.
Primers $75/1000 and 3c for 4gn powder.
~24c, not quite half the price of winchester but close enough.
It's not just the cost, it's the lighter load, lesser recoil and the chance to tune to your pistol for a tighter group.
I dont load much 9mm anymore. Was lucky and have had shit tons of brass and projectiles given to me.
I load .40 for around 24c a round. I use cast 180gr for training. I get a great deal on a 1000 pieces.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
awesome read!!
Gotta buy on bulk to make $$ savings for reloading. And you have to think, is this a long term thing where I'll be going through 5,000 rounds a year for a few years, or just something for now and next year I'll be doing something else.
Buy 2,000 rounds and see how long they actually last, and that'll give you a good idea if reloading for economic reasons is the right reason.
One plus to reloading, you'll shoot more![]()
I only started reloading to make lighter loads for the Shadow, now I'm mainly shooting the czechmate the PMC factory loads shoot really flat with a bit more kick, I only shoot factory loads if competing because I haven't got enough reliable brass.
My components cost is
Projectile, 124gr Rusa CMJ - $130/1000 13c
Primers , Winchester SP - $40/1000 4c
Powder, Belmont WAP - $40/lb = 3.5c
Don't forget you can sell your 9mm once fired brass for ~10c so subtract that from the cost of buying ammo. All in all if I didn't want lighter loads I'd just buy bulk factory loads.
Just keep buying the cheapest factory ammo (brass) you can to start with, try and keep same brand if possible. Build up your brass and have no worries about ammo functionability side of shooting. As Maw said, depending on what disciplines you intend to shoot and at what level, it maybe not about cost but essential to reload to tune pistol and accuracy required. The Win white box is reasonably hot, softer reloads will have you on target much quicker.
You"'ll know when it's time is to start reloading. Dillon 650 with casefeeder
Interesting you guys are pricing Rusa 124gr. at $130ish per 1000...the shipment I got a month or so back was $105 per 1000. I imagine I'm pretty much the same as the others 23-25 cents per round. For one reason or another I've not been shooting much he last couple of years and just starting to get back into it but my logs have me from 9/9/2013 to today 37,838 9mm rounds so c.$5675 over 40 cent a round ammunition...of course if I bothered to dry fire I'd save a hell of a lot more. Also depending on how you value your spare time it might be better to just buy factory.
Honestly when I started I always went a hand gun is a hand gun accuracy wasn't something you could do much with bar practice, then I saw someone put his pistol in a ransom rest shoot out to 50m and have the group size of American Eagle ammunition with reloads. So accuracy, cost and reduced power factor.
If the concept of doing a bulk order of 50,000 projectiles on an indent order isn't possible due to cost maybe try and get a group of people from your club to band together to order a couple of thousand each.
Hmm I forgot to include the GST on the projectiles, but it is still good value. Another reason for bulk buying other than economy is that on the odd occasion one of the components might not be available so having a reserve stash can get rid of a nervous tick. I mentioned tailoring lower power factors , but it can swing the other way, I think of the half dozen off the shelf .40S&W brands I tested only one made major power factor.