hi have you tried factory loaded then 2 reloads with no alinealing to 5th reload
hi have you tried factory loaded then 2 reloads with no alinealing to 5th reload
Bugger my lapua has fallen apart as well. 5th firing I've got maybe a 70% cull rate from one session alone.
Been higher end loads over 5 firings so nothing to cry over but some of them look like Swiss cheese which is a bit alarming. I want to blame annealing but I anneal all cartridges I shoot.
Have you got a ball mic like this . If you mount it in a small vice and make some tube spacers to fit over the fixed ball mandrel you can measure neck thickness at various points both around and up the neck. I wonder if the necks are on thin side (say well under 15 thou) not concentric or even tapered?