I didn't mind Lee dies, but in this case it was the die.
Got Hornady FL die and the projectiles seat with no issues now.
I didn't mind Lee dies, but in this case it was the die.
Got Hornady FL die and the projectiles seat with no issues now.
Looking at those photos....must be what a shetland pony mare thinks when sees clydesdale stallion having a pee.....or teecup chiwahwah when sees a st bernard.
a boat tail projectile make shown issue much less so.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I use lee dies and the only problems I have are of my own making.
That said something definitely looks off with those reloads.
Have you tried to measure the sizing die to make sure it's actually sizing for .308 (if that's what is)
I measured a couple of my dies, they were about 2 thou under nominated calibre
That's funny as fook....no wonder you had issues ...
75/15/10 black powder matters