Having recently acquired a 9mm I suddenly had a need for large quantities of ammo to ensure a constant supply to feed the beast.
And being of Scottish decent, (Mrs P38 says I'm a tight arse) and not wanting to maintain the lavish lifestyles of the Rich & Famous by purchasing loaded ammo, I set about reconfiguring one of my Lee Loadmasters to supply my needs by "Rolling My Own".
Luckily with just the addition of a set of dies I had enough parts to begin the loading process immediately.
Unfortunately I was hand feeding the cases as I didn't have a small case feeder and the old Autodisk Powder measure I had, while still very serviceable, has seen better days.
So after a quick browse on the Titan Reloading Website, I saw that Lee Precision had some new products available for 2015, most notably the Lee Auto Drum Powder Measure.
Automatically, and without any guidance or interference from me, my Titan Reloading Shopping Cart began to fill with the required Loadmaster parts along with some other smaller and unrelated parts I was looking for, including a universal decapping die.
The order was quickly finalised and after choosing the cheapest delivery method available (see Mrs P38's comment above) I placed the order.
Almost immediately I received an email from Titan Reloading acknowledging receipt of my order and explaining they will process this ASAP.
Two days later I received another email telling me my order was shipped and I could expect delivery in 6 to 10 business days.
The order shipped on the 11th and I received it on the 20th ...... Pretty good I recon
So today I started the Loadmaster upgrade with this current set up
Removed the 9mm Dies and Autodisk Powder Measure and The Large Case Feeder that wasn't being used, also removed the Sizing die.
Then I added and adjusted these parts as follows
The Small Case Feeder,
The Universal Decapper into station 1,
The original 9mm sizing die was replaced into station 2,
The Auto Drum Powder Measure into station 3,
The original Seating/Crimping die was replaced into station 4, leaving station 5 spare to install a separate crimp die at a later date should the need arise.
A short while later I ended up with this upgraded Loadmaster set up
I then took some of these components
Ran them through the upgraded Loadmaster and ended up with these little beauties.
A pretty simple upgrade that took about and hour of mucking about in the shed helped along with some good sounds from the 70's and coldie or two
Geez I love mucking around with reloading stuff.