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  • 1 Post By zimmer

Thread: Lee Zip Trim- do you rate It?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    The 'Naki

    Lee Zip Trim- do you rate It?

    Been considering one of these for the bench. Interested in your experience if you have one or have used one. How do you find them?

    Currently I use the Lee case guages with a cordless drill to spin the case. Hold the drill lightly in a bench vise.

    I have a Lyman Universal but never really used it. The Lee system is so quick and no setup other than mounting the drill. But you only get the one length of course so if you have brass that is shorter, you can't trim to shortest.
    I know a lot but it seems less every day...

  2. #2
    Member zimmer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I have one. I wouldn't have specifically bought it locally but I threw it into an order from Titan in the States just to pad the order out a bit.

    It works OK in fact very well. Flimsy and plasticy but hasn't fallen to bits yet. Expected one day for either the cord to pull out or not to retract. Still trucking along though.

    I occasionally use it to polish necks, chamfer inside and out. Obviously it can be used to trim to length using Lee's tools.

    Made the mistake of buying the universal chuck as well. Don't, it's hopeless.
    Jhon likes this.



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