RCBS stuff isn't perfect but you can work with it. My powder thrower likes to jam half a load and drop it the nanosecond I remove the cartridge. I then like to quote Deadpool and scream "Ah CANADA"
Just to clarify one thing....reloading for rifle is probably not going to save you any money. Pistol it will and is essential to reload, although need to get serious with Dillon gear.
It is a pastime that you will endlessly be buying more shit for, shit you don't need, stock-up on shit unless you run out of shit, latest shit that is similar to shit you already have. The list goes on.
Nothing wrong with Lee stuff, save some money here but suck it up and purchase a Electronic Powder thrower like a Lyman Gen 6 or something similar.
It is a great pastime and nothing like the satisfaction of making your own ammo specifically tuned to your rifle.
If you are just after some cheaper shooting, the current lot of German Geco ammo that Aoraki has bought in is outstanding and is another option to look at.
Thank for all the input, I hadnt considered the close acces to a range which would make life easier, although thats not deal breaker. The other thing I hadnt considered was brass life, it looks like the 303 wont take many reloads (it may just be the Winchester brass though, will try the Highland/PPU which is apparently much better).
Where do you live ?
Christchurch, so there are plenty of ranges and I do have a couple of other places that I can shoot at (if thats what you were asking about)
Well I have decided not to get the Lee kit and start collecting second hand bits an pieces as they pop up, although I may still end up with a Lee press. A secondhand set of RCBS 5.10 scales has been the first purchase.