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Thread: Mechanical scale wont zero

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    All of our school chem. labs used to have similar balances and the kids used to swap around the pans. To fix them we added or removed the little lead shot balls in the bit under the pan. Problem fixed.
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  2. #17
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Just add or remove lead shot to the pan, or you can put something underneath the front or back to get the height you need.
    I bought a 2nd hand scale that needed some shot added/or the back lifting up to get it level, but once it was level I checked the accuracy of it and it was spot on with weights between 0 and 100grains.
    Nick-D likes this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    West of Christchurch
    I used this on a second hand one I had. I used shotgun pellets.


  4. #19
    Join Date
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    HBC, NORTH of Auckland
    Not new

  5. #20
    MSL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by muzza View Post
    If its new - do you have the instructions sheet ? Have you assembled it correctly? The white wheel under the left hand side is for leveling it up to zero it correctly.

    And if it wont level correctly - take it back to the place you bought it . New gear is covered by the Consumers Guarantee Act , that says items must be fit for purpose. A scale that wont level accurately is not fit for purpose. Dont alter the ballast or fiddle with things - get it replaced.
    Why would you not alter the ballast? That's all they do with it when it's made. Just verify it against another scale or use some known weights and good to go
    scottrods and zimmer like this.

  6. #21
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muzza View Post
    If its new - do you have the instructions sheet ? Have you assembled it correctly? The white wheel under the left hand side is for leveling it up to zero it correctly.

    And if it wont level correctly - take it back to the place you bought it . New gear is covered by the Consumers Guarantee Act , that says items must be fit for purpose. A scale that wont level accurately is not fit for purpose. Dont alter the ballast or fiddle with things - get it replaced.
    He said it is second hand. Winding the white wheel will only make it worse - from the photo the adjusting wheel is already fully wound up, that's the direction it needs to go, not down. OP needs (as others have posted) to play with adjusting the ballast. Then once zeroed check repeatability with known mass eg 22 cal projectiles. Keep same one aside as a check weight. If there is no obvious damage I would say the previous owner dicked with it for some unknown reason. Sorry, my post sounds a bit like a broken record. Surprised the thread is still running.
    Last edited by zimmer; 30-11-2015 at 12:17 PM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Havn't bothered with reloads for a while as the rifle shoots corlokts sweet. Building a tops load so fixed it up last week. Ended up using some bb's for ballast. Checked weight with a couple projectiles, and my other scale. Weighs perfect.
    Didn't realise how bad the lee scales actually were until I used these. So easy to adjust accurately and settles in about 1/10 of the time of the lee.

    Cheers all

    Loads looking promising too

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  8. #23
    Member Dead is better's Avatar
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    I reckon that's an rcbs cradle Instead of a heavier Dillon one.



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