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Thread: Model 7 7mm08 150gn eldx load development

  1. #76
    DBD is offline
    Member DBD's Avatar
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    Well done, enjoyed the zero to final blood read. What's your take on a 708 as a "one do all" rifle?

  2. #77
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBD View Post
    Well done, enjoyed the zero to final blood read. What's your take on a 708 as a "one do all" rifle?
    Liking it alot so far, definitely need to test on reds but I have no doubt it will preform equally well on them.
    I wouldn't mind a little more top end zoom those yearling fallow are pretty bloody small at 300 yards with a max of 10x zoom, that being said I had no trouble lining up on the front shoulder and putting the bullets exactly where I wanted.
    2-12 or 3-15 scope may be on the cards when funds allow.
    Very light on the recoil even with what is considered a stout 150gn load, its a pleasure to shoot, not that recoil has ever bothered me.
    Last edited by dannyb; 08-08-2021 at 10:27 PM.
    Micky Duck and Stocky like this.

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    Liking it alot so far, definitely need to test on reds but I have no doubt it will preform equally well on them.
    I wouldn't mind a little more top end zoom those yearling fallow are pretty bloody small at 300 yards with a max of 10x zoom, that being said I had no trouble lining up on the front shoulder and putting the bullets exactly where I wanted.
    2-12 or 3-15 scope may be on the cards when funds allow.
    Very light on the recoil even with what is considered a stout 150gn load, its a pleasure to shoot, not that recoil has ever bothered me.
    I went back to a 3.5-10x40 vx3i from my 3.5-18x44 z5 on my 7mm08 to save some weight and just think its united better. Haven't missed the extra zoom much.

    Shot my longest ever shot (on a live animal), a bull Tahr that a guy I met in a hut had injured with his 270 (gut shot at about 200 yards) Friday at 630yards after it paused before going into the next catchment. Didn't feel that it was unreasonably small in the scope. I do feel the 10x is plenty for any reasonable shot (way less than this shot but once an animals injured like this one figured it was better for me with a decent drop chart to shot rather than old mate and his kentucky windage just scaring it over the ridge wounded. I'd definitely weigh up whether the extra size and weight of a bigger scope is worth it. If you just want it then do it anyway that's why I've got another vx3i and z5 on the bench with no rifles just incase I want to play musical scopes again.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  4. #79
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    If you have a high power scope its really interesting what power you actually use the most. Ive got a 4-24 on one of mine ((.223). The top end is good for assessing heads and precision shooting of wallaby and deer good light - but I usually just wind the power for the best picture and shot without looking at the setting. For shots like yours at those Fallow Ive noticed after the shot the power has been between 12-18 almost every time.

    I guess 12-18 gives me optimal clarity and view.
    At dusk its useful to be able to go down to 4-6 too.
    GWH, 25 /08 IMP, chainsaw and 4 others like this.

  5. #80
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Yup I'm not in a hurry, I've had big long range scope before and that's certainly not what I'm after.
    The 2.5-10×44 Monarch thats currently on it is a bloody good match.
    Ideally if I could lay my hands on a 2-12 that would be all I ever needed but most scopes in that mag range are worth unicorn turds.
    I had a Monarch 3-12×44 that would've been perfect that I foolishly let go with a rifle I sold
    I do like the idea of being able to crank the mag right down in low light or bush ranges and definitely want to keep the weight down.
    In reality probably need to look at a few more animals through this scope before commiting funds.....but hey it's nice to dream.
    Micky Duck, Stocky and raspy like this.

  6. #81
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    Definitely consider 3-15, plenty of affordable good quality options available for it, can shoot 800+ yards comfortably at 15 power if you bother with steel or long range wallabies etc. Shortest i've used the 3 power was on a Thar at 30 yards (which was a surprise I must admit) but found it easy as in the scope. Maybe if it was a big red at 30 yards might have been different but looking through a 3 power I think anything at 20+ yards it will be capable. The Burris signature hd 3-15 I have is pretty good value, great glass, reticle, illumination, elevation and windage dials, while still being relatively light at 560grams (there is also a non-illuminated version that is lighter). Before that I had a minox 3-15 which I also had great success with at a variety of ranges and steel out at 800.
    If you are mostly shooting sub 350 then there is also a compact signature HD in 2-10 which would suit well (but why not shoot further if you can).

    On another note, just scored 2 boxes of 7mm08 precision hunter to keep me going till I get my load worked out.
    nor-west, dannyb and raspy like this.

  7. #82
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    May 2020
    Can see why you changed powder over. Was doing a ladder of 2209 and agreed wasn't stoked with how much was compressing. Ended up just doing a ladder with 2206h at mag length (Tikka) and one seated out further to see what the gains will be.
    dannyb likes this.

  8. #83
    Join Date
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    Be very interested to hear how you get on with the 2206h. Keep us posted.

  9. #84
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    Will do, could be awhile before get a chance to get out and put them over the Chrono

  10. #85
    Member Pop Shot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBD View Post
    Well done, enjoyed the zero to final blood read. What's your take on a 708 as a "one do all" rifle?
    I've run a T3 7/08 for 10-12 years now as my one gun for everything. Can't rate it enough. I'm running the 162gr Amax and have enough power well past my self imposed llimits. Scope wise I've run Weaver Superslam 3-15 and currently the Bushnell Elite 6500 2.5-16. If I do my part, nothing seems to go far.
    chainsaw likes this.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Great post and results to see!

    Has anyone tried the 150eldx with 2206h? Looking to give it a go in my model 700 as the 162s I'm saving for my bigger 7mm

    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk
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  12. #87
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    I've loaded a few up but waiting to try em going to have to wait for a nzda shoot as property I was using has changed owner

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Southerner223 View Post
    Great post and results to see!

    Has anyone tried the 150eldx with 2206h? Looking to give it a go in my model 700 as the 162s I'm saving for my bigger 7mm

    Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk
    The 162s and 2206h go well in a slightly shorter rig
    davhope and Southerner223 like this.

  14. #89
    Member craigc's Avatar
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    Interesting thread, I'm thinking of purchasing a Model 7 in 7mm08, so this has been a great thread.

    I too really like the 150 ELDX and am loading it in my .284 (19 inch barrel) with 51.5g of R17, its cruising at 2726 fps, I tried heavier loads but the groups opened up. I've got some R26 and am thinking of trying that, but you burn a lot of powered and projectiles developing loads and you all know there a bit harder to come by at the moment!


  15. #90
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    A mate of mine has asked me to load for his 7mm08 Tikka.

    Managed to grab a tub of IMR 4166 Enduro.
    154gr ssts. Hornady once fired cases and a nice set of RCBS dies from gunworks which got here in 2 days(amazing service).

    Be interesting to see how IMR 4166 compares to the tried and true 2208.....
    raspy likes this.



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